Saturday, April 16, 2011



" That is confirmed daily across the USA.  Let's face it. the majority of loan mods are a joke if they don't reduce your principal. " Hey Bank, you won't reduce my principal to current market value ???  NO DEAL !!!!"

" ... If Joe 6 pack or Susie soccer mom forges documents or attempts embezzlement they go to JAIL ! These bankers , lawyers and judges are no better. They need to be held accountable. This is a FEDERAL PROBLEM. Everyone needs to go here and tell the man who is in charge of OUR Federal government.

Check out these great sites for information on robo signers, forgery of documents, MERS,etc. Read & see more:

It is time for the People to step up, get educated and go after all these con men & corrupt courts bums !!! All of them, but most especially the lying Attorneys in robes that favor their frat brothers at the expense of their oath, public trust and the very People that the position exists to protect !!!! The judges apparently get paid by the banksters when they become judges and every time a case goes in their favor. "

" As Thomas Jefferson's said "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

" Is this the AMERICAN DREAM ???

Let's hope CBS News /60 minutes continue this investigation; there are still many unethical and systematic practices to expose by both big corporations , banks , wall street & big government. "

 " Why has not the FDIC and the FBI prosecuted the CEO's CFO's and Board of directors of these corrupt banks!!! They have ALL commited fraud !!! Why are their doors still open for business !!! Nothing can get fixed so long as they are allowed to stay open. They will continue to commit fraud to try and cover their butts. Each of those companies need to have their doors closed to lending. All of them stripped of their lending authority. The useless FDIC talks a good game. Well put up or shut up. If your going to let them continue doing business as usual, knowing what you know about the fraud what does that say about our watchdogs ? "

" Get real. This issue is already part of the massive corruption of the courts, because these pieces of shit judges should have looked at the documentation in the first place when the cases were heard by the courts. The magistrates, judges and the lawyers talk to each other over drinks at the bar and make agreements without the best interest of the homeowner at heart.

American justice ??? Don't make me laugh !!! "

"American citizens need to stick together during this time. Isn't it the American Dream to own a home and one day actually own it ??? Or  start a small business and watch it grow. The banks make it impossible for so many middle class or working stiffs to achieve thier goals and the whole reason is pure greed. How sad that the American Dream has been shattered and so few care. "

The best part of all of this is that the Dodd-Frank Act is actually going to REWARD these very same corrupt banks by pushing mortgage brokers out of business.

Do a Google search on loan officer compensation rule or go to  or "

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