Monday, October 31, 2011

Mitt Romney will do or say anything to become President

Beware of Mitt [ What do the polls say I should say ] Romney who will do or say anything to become President.

The definition of a politician is someone who is
more concerned about his next election than what is best for the country.

Mitt fits that definition !!!

George Will’s stinging take down of Mitt [ I will do or say anything to get elected ] Romney and conservatives who support him coupled with Chris Wallace’s observation that Mitt [ I stick my finger in the air how the political winds blowing ] Romney won’t come on the Sunday shows to be asked tough questions.

Very few conservatives dislike Mitt [ flip flop ] Romney. The problem, as George Will alludes to, is that few actually trust him. .

“After studying Presidential nominations for 30 years, I’ve never seen somebody who has so completely renounced his past record when he decided to run for President, said Northeaster University Professor William Mayer to the Chicago Tribune’s Jill Zuckman on May 22, 2007. That’s how page 168 in the McCain opposition book began. The heading on that page is “Flip-Flops”. The next ten pages contain every reason why conservatives are suspicious of Romney.

“Romney Was Pro-Choice, Then Not Pro-Choice, Then Pro-Choice Again, Then Pro-Life,” blares the first subheading in this section. There are ample newspaper quotes citing Mitt Romney’s conversions back and forth.

“Romney supports a federal health care plan option that includes abortion services, would vote for a law codifying the 1972 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion and backs federal funding for abortions as long as states can decide if they want the money, [a spokesman] said.” (Ed Hayward, “Anti-Abortion Group Endorses Romney Bid,” Boston Herald, 9/8/94)

“Romney supports a federal health care plan option that includes abortion services, would vote for a law codifying the 1972 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion and backs federal funding for abortions as long as states can decide if they want the money, [a spokesman] said.” (Ed Hayward, “Anti-Abortion Group Endorses Romney Bid,” Boston Herald, 9/8/94)

“[Massachusetts Citizens for Life] considers Romney to be an abortion-rights supporter, as do national antiabortion groups such as the Family Research Council. … [Romney aide Eric] Fehrnstrom said the governor’s position has not changed on either sex education or abortion.” (Scott S. Greenberger, “Roe V. Wade Omitted From Proclamation,” The Boston Globe, 3/25/05)

“I am firmly pro-life … I was always for life.” (Jim Davenport, “Romney Affirms Abortion Opposition During Stop In SC,” The Associated Press, 2/8/07)

But it was not just abortion.

In 2006, Mitt Romney said illegal immigrants should have a path to citizen. In a Lowell Sun article on March 30, 2006, Evan Lehmann quoted Mitt Romney saying “I don’t believe in rounding up 11 million people and forcing them at gunpoint from our country … With these 11 million people, let’s have them registered, know who they are. Those who’ve been arrested or convicted of crimes shouldn’t be here; those that are here paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process towards application for citizenship, as they would from their home country.”

Romney went on to support John McCain’s immigration plan, denying it was amnesty. In March of 2007, Mitt Romney spoke “approvingly of efforts by McCain and Bush to solve the nation’s immigration crisis,” according to Scott Helman’s Boston Globe article. By May of that same year, Romney had begun attacking McCain’s plan as amnesty and told CNN’s “The Situation Room” that he opposed a path to citizenship for illegal aliens.

He refused to support George Bush’s tax cuts in 2004, but in 2007 claimed he had always supported them. In 2002, Romney refused to sign the Americans for Tax Reform pledge, but in 2007, Romney signed it.

In 2002, Mitt Romney wanted heaving federal regulations on campaign finances. Back in 1994, Romney even wanted a cap on congressional election spending and wanted to ban political action committees. By 2007, Romney was attacking McCain-Feingold, which did much of what he previously had wanted.

In the 1992 Presidential Primary in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney voted for Paul Tsongas. He contributed to numerous Democrats and, in 1994 while running as a Republican, praised Bill Clinton as doing “a lot of things that make sense.”

More troubling, in 1994 Mitt Romney campaigned against the Contract With America calling it “too partisan.” He also insisted he was an independent during Ronald Reagan’s years in office, balking at Ted Kennedy’s attempts to connect Romney to Ronald Reagan. By 2005, Mitt Romney claimed Ronald Reagan was his political hero.

On the second amendment, Mitt Romney supported the Brady Bill and Assault Weapons ban in 1994, but by 2007, Mitt Romney opposed gun control measures. At one point in 2007, Mitt Romney claimed he owned a gun and then admitted he did not.

The list goes on and on from gays in the military to gay marriage to stem cell research to global warming. Romney has shown himself to be not a principled conservative, but, as Jon Huntsman described him, a well lubricated weather vane.

Real Tea Partiers just don’t trust him. His record is the very reason why. On every significant issue of the past decade, Mitt Romney has managed to be on every side of each issue except one — he has consistently been in favor of big government dictated and big government managed healthcare.

Better to lose than win with weather vane status quo Mitt.


" Nothing in all the World is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity " – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963.


" The issue is that I oppose Wall Street !!!

That's the greed & corruption of the money lending class elite and big business.

That's how it is perceived still by most Americans who think.

Ask yourself why is all this vitrol about the protestors instead of the Wall Street Banker crimminals.

I don't support every protestor, obviously, or everything that every protestor might also support or say.

But the idea of opposing the Wall Street Banksters.

Of course I support that.

And that is the underlying message here.

Not the dynamics of who or what is on the ground.

That is the message that we all should be behind rather than spewing vitrol at the people protesting against the corrupt banksters.

Again I don't care what ghost or gobblin scares those thieves on wall street . I just happy they are out there manning the barricades. Listen the more public outcry over wallstreet threatens the evil monopoly that those who control wallstreet have over all of us.

I would not care what wolfman , vampire , zombie or muumy were out there protesting Wallstreet, as long as it calls attention to the devious business practices and corrupt politics of Wallstreet

Don't let the media manipulate you friends !!!

The problem is not the occupy wall street protestors.

The problem is the power elite Matrix of which a critical component is Wall Street Banks and the evil world nexus of economic thievery that it represents.

" OWS's Beef: Wall Street Isn't Winning It's Cheating ... All weekend I was thinking about this "jealousy" question, and I just kept coming back to all the different ways the game is rigged. "Dude," I said. "These people aren't protesting money. They're not protesting banking. They're protesting corruption on Wall Street." ... When you take into consideration all the theft and fraud and market manipulation and other evil stuff Wall Street bankers have been guilty of in the last at least fifteen years, you have to have balls like church bells to trot out a propaganda line that says the protesters are just jealous of their hard-earned money. People aren't jealous and they don't want privileges. They just want a level playing field, and they want Wall Street to give up its cheat codes. " – Rolling Stone/Matt Taibbi

Occupy Wall Street is a revolutionary force sweeping the country, tearing down whatever is unjust and replacing it with fairness.

Deal with it Occupy Wall Street is a populist movement, not a radical one. The elite powers that be are trying their best to position it this way in opposition to the anti-government Tea Party.

This has significant ramifications not only for the movement but for the US economy and for the West in general.

Matt Taibbi's perspective as explained in this post (excerpted above) at provides you with this insight regarding populism, one G. K. Temujin have mentioned numerous times over the years. Taibbi has created an upswell of indignation against Wall Street similar to that which occurred back in the 1930s. By focusing larger issues such as central banking and the forgetting about the mainstream media's [ fox news , cbs , abc , nbc , msnbc and cnn ] fixation with retribution and money envy.

OWS is a diverse movement and one that is becoming increasingly factionalized. Stand together we win seperated we lose !!!

If popular anger is properly controlled and channeled then the impact of the Internet itself and the emergent clarity of its truth-telling can be mitigated, or that is the hope of the elites encouraging such populism. Change can be absorbed and the system can continue on as it is.

The goal in GK Temujin's view is corrupt world governance, an evil 1984 Orwellian system run by a handful of greedy self proclaimed experts also known " as the wisem men " reporting to the great central banking families , their enablers and associates.

The Internet, however, has put world government at risk and likely changed the plans of the Anglosphere elites behind the move. They have begun to be far more aggressive in terms of domestic policing and military activity. What cannot be gained via the elite's endless fear-based promotions is apparently to be won by force.

The elites, of course, will not give up on their control. These tools frighten the sheep of middle class into giving up power and wealth to carefully crafted and manipulated globalist solutions. They are not working nearly as well in the 21st century as they did all thru out the 20th.

You can see first in the Tea Party movement and now in OWS that there is genuine anger out there and skepticism about the current Western promotion of so-called civil society. Europe is suffering from the same sort of conditions, with many of Europe's tribes like the Greeks beginning to rebel against the inefficient and exploitative euro as Temujin previously predicted.

For the world elites, the necessity is to control this growing anger by any means possible. In the US, this means recasting it within the mold of the right-left conflict. This is an old elitist trick and is carried out to ensure that radical sentiments are properly managed.

First, one manipulates a popular movement in a particular direction. Then one sets up a controlled opposition.

The anti-government Tea Party and anti-business Wall Street will be set upon each other by the mainstream media. Angry people will be invited to take sides.

What will occur is inevitably a compromise whereby government shall be made more efficient or seemingly so and business Wall Street shall be increasingly regulated to stop abuses. This is an old an very clever trick !!!

How is it a trick? Because it leaves the modern capitalist system IN EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE as it is now. A massive government (reformed) is supervising a massive (mercantilist) financial industry (also reformed). The net result of the next umpteen weeks, months, years, etc. will be exactly nothing.

Of course, as Temujin pointed out, this old evil trick may be less effective this time around.

People are genuinely angry and the Internet Reformation is rapidly spreading the reality of that frustration. What starts as controlled rebellion can easily spread into something far more unmanageable that gives rise to genuine French , Russian or even American revolution change.

True the goog ol' USA has a massive police force in America that outside of lower Manhattan prosecutes crime and imprisons citizens with record setting, factory level efficiency, eclipsing the incarceration rates of most of history's more notorious police states and communist countries.

But the greedy evil bankers on Wall Street don't live in that heavily policed corrupt country.

There are maybe 1000 SEC agents policing that sector of the economy, plus a handful of FBI agents. There are nearly that many police officers stationed around the polite crowd at Zucotti park. These inequities are what drive the OWS protests.

People don't want handouts. It's not a class uprising and they don't want civil war they want just the opposite. They want everyone to live in the same country, and live by the same rules. It's amazing that some people think that that's asking a lot.

Join the movement friends today. Get involved. Speak out where ever you can. Speak up join this chourus of unrest. Enough is Enough you are slaves , but free men. Continue to try to push for real reforms of the system in another way using your bull horn or write the local newspaper or call the local radio station get your voice heard today.

There will be, eventually, significant unrest in the US, as elsewhere in the world. But if Temujin is correct in his analysis, much of this unrest may escape the control of the elites evidently and obviously behind OWS. This is their attempt at creating controlled social upheaval. The real thing may be yet to come

Change is a coming. Change is in wind !!!




Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Monday, October 24, 2011


"Failure to prosecute the participants in the plethora of financial frauds is PROOF that America is no longer a Republic."

Enemies of the state.

American Government is inept and it's Court system is corrupt !!!

No sense implementing regulations if they're going to just be ignored. Even regulations that contain an "or else" can be ignored. Regulations that are mere illusions - like Dodd-Frank are worse than nothing. Claiming to eliminate & foreswear bank bailouts while simultaneously creating a bailout insurance fund gives the lie to any pretense of a willingness to take prompt corrective action.

The inept and corrupt SEC alleges that Citigroup Global Markets structured and marketed a CDO called Class V Funding III and exercised significant influence over the selection of $500 million of the assets included in the CDO portfolio. Citigroup then took a proprietary short position against those mortgage-related assets from which it would profit if the assets declined in value. Citigroup did not disclose to investors its role in the asset selection process or that it took a short position against the assets it helped select.

Citigroup has agreed to settle the SEC’s charges by paying a total of $285 million, which will be returned to investors.

To recap, this is what happened:

Citigroup with malice of forthought put together a CDO (a debt obligation) in which it selected "assets" to put into the transaction specifically for their crappiness. That is, they chose assets that they expected would decline in value.

The company then shorted the instrument it created, a position that would lose money if the CDO performed as expected and marketed to investors. They could only make money if the investor lost their shirt.

They did not disclose either their selection of the assets in the CDO or that they took the short to the people who were buying it!

As expected and designed the CDO blew up. The "investors" took a 100% loss; what they bought was valueless as it was a levered instrument and the valuation loss of the underlying assets was sufficient to wipe out their investment.

Citigroup made a lot of money. The instrument performed exactly as Citigroup intended but they did not tell the people who were buying this thing that they expected they would lose every penny they put in up front. In fact they intentionally concealed their fraud role in selecting the assets and that they had taken a short position against them !!!

Now the corrupt and inept SEC steps in and they agree to "settle" this case with what amounts to a fine.

In fact the SEC press release claims that Citigroup knew damn well what they were " selling " was fraudulently misrepresented to the customers:

According to the SEC’s complaints, the Class V III transaction closed on Feb. 28, 2007. One experienced CDO trader characterized the Class V III portfolio in an e-mail as “dogsh!t” and “possibly the best short EVER!”

An experienced collateral manager commented that “the portfolio is horrible.” On Nov. 7, 2007, a credit rating agency downgraded every tranche of Class V III, and on Nov. 19, 2007, Class V III was declared to be in an Event of Default.

The approximately 15 investors in the Class V III transaction lost virtually their entire investments while Citigroup received fees of approximately $34 million for structuring and marketing the transaction and additionally realized net profits of at least $126 million from its short position.

Where are the handcuffs for the obvious false statements and criminal fraud ???

This "transaction" was a clear (and successful) attempt to simply rob and cheat people.

If you or I do something like this through some fraudulent edifice we go to prison. But when a big national bank does it, the feds simply order them to a pay a fine when they get caught.

This makes stealing a simple business proposition:

Since you will not get caught all of the time, there is no reason not to steal. Any time you do not get caught you get to keep all the loot. When you get caught you negotiate to return some of the loot.

It has always amazed me how a local drugged up Bank robber can get 10 years for robbing $3,000 what amounts to petty crimes incomparison. Then these inside bankers & multinational corporations can rip off millions of dollars and break people. You can steal a hell of alot more cash with computer mouse than a gun ask those CEOs on wall street.

Get off with a slap on the wrist. All things considered, more people should be marching on wall street. The power elite Oligarchy of big corrupt government & big thieving business that rule America has ruined America.

This is simply boiler room fraud, plain and simple. Consider that we have had a recent Treasury Secretary who profited from this very type of crude fraud, Hank Paulson. Create toxic securities, bribe willing rating agencies to give them the triple A, profit by selling this crap to dupes, and magnify your profits by shorting the crap out of it, or taking out multiple CDS on the garbage.

And when your poisoned bookie AIG cannot pay, your former criminal CEO, now US Treasury Secretary, ensures that your bookie makes good on your bets with tax payer dollars.

This is not a very sophisticated crime. It is quite amazing for its brazen obviousness, however.

It is the very anatomy of an illegal wealth transfer. This is exactly how it is done.

Failure to prosecute for real crimes against the American people once again. The participants in the plethora of financial frauds is PROOF that Amerika is no longer a Republic !!!


The problem is that these settlements all boil down to nothing other than a "cost of doing business." In other words, they'll keep doing this because the cost is negligible. No surprise at all just one big funny game. With the Joke on the American People !!!

Citi was fined and allowed to consent to the charges without admitting or denying any allegations. In other words, Citi is allowed to say "we'll pay the money to make this suit go away, but we didn't do anything wrong", as has happened in other banking settlement agreements.

Will we ever get an admission / verdict of guilt, much less handcuffs ???

Not with co-conspiritors in government !!!

Ps: Oh yeah, there's this pesky statute of limitations problem too. Anyone note the dates? Just draw it out until you can't prosecute - on purpose. This is nothing more or less than an organized looting operation with the full participation of the government in stealing from the victims.

The problem is that these settlements all boil down to nothing other than a "cost of doing business." In other words, they'll keep doing this because the cost is negligible. No surprise at this late stage of the game.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Elvis Presley - Men with broken hearts

Since wealth has become concentrated in very few hands, that means that there are a whole lot of poor people out there.

At a time when technology should be making it possible to lift standards of living all over the globe, poverty just continues to spread. According to the same Credit Suisse study referenced above, the bottom two-thirds of the global population controls just 3.3% of all the wealth.

Not only that, more than 3 billion people currently live on less than 2 dollar a day.

While the ultra-wealthy live the high life, unimaginable tragedies play out all over the globe every single day. Every 3.6 seconds someone starves to death and three-quarters of them are children under the age of 5.


If you were asked to guess, what area of the United States would you say has the highest average income? New York City? Los Angeles? Silicon Valley?

Well, would you believe that it is actually the Washington D.C. area? Median household income in the region is $84,523, which is the highest in the nation. One of the biggest reasons for this are the huge salaries being pulled down by federal employees in the Washington D.C. area. According to the latest numbers, the average federal employee in the D.C. area brings in total compensation worth more than $126,000 a year. Of course members of Congress are even doing far better than that. Most of the members of Congress are millionaires, and somehow the vast majority of our politicians leave Washington D.C. far wealthier than when they arrived. So if you want to live the high life, you might want to move to the Washington D.C. area. Our "representatives" in Congress and the bureaucrats that work for the federal government are swimming in cash, and it is all at our expense.

Before you read the following facts, keep in mind that median household income in the United States has declined for three years in a row. While the bureaucrats in D.C. are living the high life, most of the rest of us are going through some really hard times.

Today, median household income in the United States is about $50,000 a year, and in most families both parents have to work or the bills will not get paid.

So it just does not seem right that the "average" federal worker in the Washington D.C. area is hauling down more than $126,000 a year in total compensation.

After all, are they not supposed to be "public servants"?

Instead, it feels like we are serving them. They get to drive around in their shiny new cars and they get to enjoy their shiny new McMansions in the D.C. suburbs while the rest of us pay for it.

Trust me, I have seen the beautiful suburbs in Maryland and in northern Virginia that seem to go on forever, and it is the U.S. taxpayers that are footing the bill. Spending by the federal government accounts for approximately one third of the GDP of the entire region.

According to the Washington Post, the Washington D.C. area has become a great place for those that enjoy "living the dream"....

Washingtonians now enjoy the highest median household income of any metropolitan area in the country, and five of the top 10 jurisdictions in America – Loudoun, Howard and Fairfax counties, and Falls Church and Fairfax City – are here, census data shows.

The signs of that wealth are on display all over, from the string of luxury boutiques such as Gucci and Tory Burch opening at Tysons Galleria to the $15 cocktails served over artisanal ice at the W Hotel in the District to the ever-larger houses rising off River Road in Potomac.

All of this wealth did not get created because the D.C. area is a great center for industry or finance.

Rather, all of these people are becoming very wealthy because of our big, fat bloated federal government.

The following are 10 mind blowing facts which show how members of Congress and federal employees are living the high life at our expense....

#1 When you total up all compensation (including health care and benefits), the average income for a federal worker in the Washington D.C. area last year was $126,369.

#2 In 2005, 7420 federal workers were making $150,000 or more per year. In 2010, a whopping 82,034 federal workers were making $150,000 or more per year. That is more than a tenfold increase in just five years.

#3 In 2005, the U.S. Department of Defense had just nine civilians earning $170,000 or more. When Barack Obama took office, the U.S. Department of Defense had 214 civilians earning $170,000 or more. In June 2010, the U.S. Department of Defense had 994 civilians earning $170,000 or more.

#4 Last year, federal employees "earned" approximately 447 billion dollars in total compensation.

#5 According to a study by the Heritage Foundation, federal workers earn 30 to 40 percent more money on average than their counterparts in the private sector.

#6 Today, one out of every 12 people living in Washington D.C. is a lawyer. In New York City, only one out of every 123 residents is a lawyer.

#7 More than 50 percent of the members of the U.S. Congress are millionaires.

#8 The median wealth of a U.S. Senator in 2009 was 2.38 million dollars.

#9 Insider trading is perfectly legal for members of the U.S. Congress – and they refuse to pass a law that would change that.

#10 The percentage of millionaires in Congress is more than 50 times higher than the percentage of millionaires in the general population.

Meanwhile, most of the rest of America has been going through economic hell....

The standard of living in the United States has fallen farther over the past three years than at any other time that has ever been recorded in U.S. history.
According to the Federal Reserve, the combined net worth of American families has fallen by $5.5 trillion since 2007.
Half of all American workers now earn $505 or less per week.
According to Paul Osterman, a professor of economics at MIT, approximately 20 percent of all employed Americans are making $10.65 an hour or less.
While the average American family is deeply struggling to pay the mortgage and put food on the table, the bureaucrats in Washington D.C. are busy shopping for the latest cell phones and trying to figure out what brand of new car to buy next year.

Over the past couple of decades, the federal government has absolutely exploded in size, but this has not helped the poor. We now have more poor people in this country than ever before and over 2 million additional Americans slipped into poverty last year.

No, the reality is that the people that have reaped the rewards of a much larger federal government are the lawyers, the lobbyists and the bureaucrats.

This is the kind of thing that the American people should be protesting. Almost everybody in Congress is rich. Hundreds of thousands of federal employees are living the high life. The lawyers, the lobbyists and the bureaucrats are having a field day.

Meanwhile, most of the rest of the country is deeply suffering.

It just doesn't seem right, does it?

Reprinted with permission from End of the American Dream.

October 22, 2011

Is America Disintegrating? by Patrick J. Buchanan

In Federalist 2, John Jay looks out at a nation of a common blood, faith, language, history, customs and culture.

"Providence," he writes, "has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people – a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion ... very similar in their manners and customs ..."

Are we still that "one united people" today? Or has America become what Klemens von Metternich called Italy: "a mere geographical expression"?

In "Suicide of a Superpower," out this week, I argue that the America we grew up in is disintegrating, breaking apart along the fault lines of politics, race, ethnicity, culture and faith; that the centrifugal forces in society have now become the dominant forces.

Our politics are as poisonous as they have been in our lifetimes.

Sarah Palin was maligned as morally complicit in the murder attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Terms like "terrorists" and "hostage-takers" are routinely used on Tea Party members who one congressman said want to see blacks "hanging on a tree."

Half a century after the civil rights revolution triumphed, the terms "racist" and "racism" are in daily use. We remain, said Eric Holder in calling us a "nation of cowards," as socially segregated as ever.

"Outside the workplace, the situation is even more bleak in that there is almost no significant interaction between us. On Saturdays and Sundays, America ... does not, in some ways, differ significantly from the country that existed some 50 years ago."

He is not altogether wrong in that. In California's prisons and among her proliferating ethnic gangs, a black-brown civil war has broken out.

Yet, by 2042, there will be 66 million black folks and 135 million Hispanics here, the latter concentrated in the states bordering Mexico.

What holds us together, then?

We are not now and will not then be "descended from common ancestors." We will consist of all the races, cultures, tribes and creeds of Earth – a multiracial, multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual stew of a nation that has never before existed, or survived. The parallels that come to mind are the Habsburg Empire that flew apart after World War I, and the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia that disintegrated after the Cold War.

No more will we all speak the same language. We will be bilingual and bi-national. Spanish radio and TV stations are already the fastest growing. In Los Angeles, half the people speak a language other than English in their own homes.

As for "professing the same religion," where 85 percent of Americans were Christians in 1990, that is down to 75 percent and plummeting. The old Christian churches – Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran and especially Episcopalian – are splitting, shrinking and dying.

Where three in four Catholics attended Sunday Mass in 1960, it is now one in four. One in three cradle Catholics has lost the faith. The numbers of priests and nuns are plummeting; religious orders are dying; Catholics schools are closing.

The moral consensus and moral code Christianity gave to us has collapsed. Since the great cultural-social revolution of the 1960s, there has occurred what Nietzsche called the "transvaluation of all values."

What was morally repellent – promiscuity, homosexuality, abortion – is now seen by perhaps half the nation as natural, normal, healthy and progressive.

Socially, too, America is breaking down.

Where out-of-wedlock births in the 1950s were rare, today, 41 percent of all American children are born out of wedlock. Among Hispanics, it is 51 percent; among blacks, 71 percent. And the correlation between the illegitimacy rate, the drug rate, the dropout rate, the crime rate and the incarceration rate is absolute.

This helps to explain the four decades of plunging test scores of American children and the quadrupling of the prison population.

And while all this is happening, the state is failing.

We cannot control our borders, win our wars or balance our budgets. In three consecutive national elections – 2006, 2008 and 2010 – the incumbents have been repudiated. Confidence in politics, politicians and the future of the country has never been so low in our lifetimes.

There was a time not so long ago when the nation was united on a common faith, morality, history, heroes, holidays, holy days, language and literature. Now we fight over them all.

Neocons says not to worry, the Constitution holds us together.

Does it? Do we all agree on what the First Amendment says about the freedom to pray in school and celebrate Christmas and Easter? How can we be the "one nation, under God" of the Pledge of Allegiance, or the people "endowed by their Creator" with inalienable rights, if we cannot even identify or discuss or mention that God and that Creator in the schools of America?

Do we agree on what the Ninth Amendment says about right to life? What about what the 14th Amendment says about affirmative action? What the Second Amendment says about the right to carry a concealed gun?

The new secession that is coming, Rick Perry notwithstanding, is not like the secession of 1861. It is a secession of the heart from one another.

Is America Disintegrating? by Patrick J. Buchanan


Most people have no idea that Wall Street has become a gigantic financial casino. The big Wall Street banks are making tens of billions of dollars a year in the derivatives market, and nobody in the financial community wants the party to end. The word "derivatives" sounds complicated and technical, but understanding them is really not that hard. A derivative is essentially a fancy way of saying that a bet has been made. Originally, these bets were designed to hedge risk, but today the derivatives market has mushroomed into a mountain of speculation unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Estimates of the notional value of the worldwide derivatives market go from $600 trillion all the way up to $1.5 quadrillion. Keep in mind that the GDP of the entire world is only somewhere in the neighborhood of $65 trillion. The danger to the global financial system posed by derivatives is so great that Warren Buffet once called them "financial weapons of mass destruction". For now, the financial powers that be are trying to keep the casino rolling, but it is inevitable that at some point this entire mess is going to come crashing down. When it does, we are going to be facing a derivatives crisis that really could destroy the entire global financial system.

Most people don't talk much about derivatives because they simply do not understand them.

Perhaps a couple of definitions would be helpful.

The following is how a recent Bloomberg article defined derivatives....

Derivatives are financial instruments used to hedge risks or for speculation. They’re derived from stocks, bonds, loans, currencies and commodities, or linked to specific events such as changes in the weather or interest rates.

The key word there is "speculation". Today the folks down on Wall Street are speculating on just about anything that you can imagine.

The following is how Investopedia defines derivatives....

A security whose price is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is merely a contract between two or more parties. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. The most common underlying assets include stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates and market indexes. Most derivatives are characterized by high leverage.

A derivative has no underlying value of its own. A derivative is essentially a side bet. Usually these side bets are highly leveraged.

At this point, making side bets has totally gotten out of control in the financial world. Side bets are being made on just about anything you can possibly imagine, and the major Wall Street banks are making a ton of money from it. This system is almost entirely unregulated and it is totally dominated by the big international banks.

Over the past couple of decades, the derivatives market has multiplied in size. Everything is going to be fine as long as the system stays in balance. But once it gets out of balance we could witness a string of financial crashes that no government on earth will be able to fix.

The amount of money that we are talking about is absolutely staggering. Graham Summers of Phoenix Capital Research estimates that the notional value of the global derivatives market is $1.4 quadrillion, and in an article for Seeking Alpha he tried to put that number into perspective....

If you add up the value of every stock on the planet, the entire market capitalization would be about $36 trillion. If you do the same process for bonds, you’d get a market capitalization of roughly $72 trillion.

The notional value of the derivative market is roughly $1.4 QUADRILLION.

I realize that number sounds like something out of Looney tunes, so I’ll try to put it into perspective.

$1.4 Quadrillion is roughly:

It is hard to fathom how much money a quadrillion is.

If you started counting right now at one dollar per second, it would take 32 million years to count to one quadrillion dollars.

Yes, the boys and girls down on Wall Street have gotten completely and totally out of control.

In an excellent article that he did on derivatives, Webster Tarpley described the pivotal role that derivatives now play in the global financial system....

Far from being some arcane or marginal activity, financial derivatives have come to represent the principal business of the financier oligarchy in Wall Street, the City of London, Frankfurt, and other money centers. A concerted effort has been made by politicians and the news media to hide and camouflage the central role played by derivative speculation in the economic disasters of recent years. Journalists and public relations types have done everything possible to avoid even mentioning derivatives, coining phrases like “toxic assets,” “exotic instruments,” and – most notably – “troubled assets,” as in Troubled Assets Relief Program or TARP, aka the monstrous $800 billion bailout of Wall Street speculators which was enacted in October 2008 with the support of Bush, Henry Paulson, John McCain, Sarah Palin, and the Obama Democrats.

Most people do not realize this, but derivatives were at the center of the financial crisis of 2008.

They will almost certainly be at the center of the next financial crisis as well.

For many, alarm bells went off the other day when it was revealed that Bank of America has moved a big chunk of derivatives from its failing Merrill Lynch investment banking unit to its depository arm.

So what does that mean?

An article posted on The Daily Bail the other day explained that it means that U.S. taxpayers could end up holding the bag....

This means that the investment bank's European derivatives exposure is now backstopped by U.S. taxpayers. Bank of America didn't get regulatory approval to do this, they just did it at the request of frightened counterparties. Now the Fed and the FDIC are fighting as to whether this was sound. The Fed wants to "give relief" to the bank holding company, which is under heavy pressure.

This is a direct transfer of risk to the taxpayer done by the bank without approval by regulators and without public input.

So did you hear about this on the news?

Probably not.

Today, the notional value of all the derivatives held by Bank of America comes to approximately $75 trillion.

JPMorgan Chase is holding derivatives with a notional value of about $79 trillion.

It is hard to even conceive of such figures.

Right now, the banks with the most exposure to derivatives are JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and HSBC Bank USA.

Morgan Stanley also has tremendous exposure to derivatives.

You may have noticed that these are some of the "too big to fail" banks.

The biggest U.S. banks continue to grow and they continue to get even more power.

Back in 2002, the top 10 U.S. banks controlled 55 percent of all U.S. banking assets. Today, the top 10 U.S. banks control 77 percent of all U.S. banking assets.

These banks have gotten so big and so powerful that if they collapsed our entire financial system would implode.

You would have thought that we would have learned our lesson back in 2008 and would have done something about this, but instead we have allowed the "too big to bail" banks to become bigger than ever.

And they pretty much do whatever they want.

A while back, the New York Times published an article entitled "A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives". That article exposed the steel-fisted control that the "too big to fail" banks exert over the trading of derivatives. Just consider the following excerpt from the article....

On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an elite Wall Street society gather in Midtown Manhattan.

The men share a common goal: to protect the interests of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable — and controversial — fields in finance. They also share a common secret: The details of their meetings, even their identities, have been strictly confidential.

So what institutions are represented at these meetings?

Well, according to the New York Times, the following banks are involved: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and Citigroup.

Why do those same five names seem to keep popping up time after time?

Sadly, these five banks keep pouring money into the campaigns of politicians that supported the bailouts in 2008 and that they know will bail them out again when the next financial crisis strikes.

Those that defend the wild derivatives trading that is going on today claim that Wall Street has accounted for all of the risks and they assume that the issuing banks will always be able to cover all of the derivative contracts that they write.

But that is a faulty assumption. Just look at AIG back in 2008. When the housing market collapsed AIG was on the wrong end of a massive number of derivative contracts and it would have gone "bust" without gigantic bailouts from the federal government. If the bailouts of AIG had not happened, Goldman Sachs and a whole lot of other people would have been left standing there with a whole bunch of worthless paper.

It is inevitable that the same thing is going to happen again. Except next time it may be on a much grander scale.

When "the house" goes "bust", everybody loses. The governments of the world could step in and try to bail everyone out, but the reality is that when the derivatives market comes totally crashing down there won't be any government on earth with enough money to put it back together again.

A horrible derivatives crisis is coming.

It is only a matter of time.

Stay alert for any mention of the word "derivatives" or the term "derivatives crisis" in the news. When the derivatives crisis arrives, things will start falling apart very rapidly.

Reprinted with permission from the Economic Collapse Blog.

October 21, 2011

The Natural Course of the END of the US Empire

The Natural Course of the US Empire

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pat Buchanan - The End of America


What if God sent us the Perfect Politician ???


" What if God sent us the Perfect Politician and gave us a choice
To turn from our ways, and gave us a voice?

What would he look like, this hero-to-be?
Would he be hansome with perfect hair, perfect teeth?

Would he be tall, broad and strong?
Always be right and never be wrong?

Would he put down his foes, shame them outright,
Bring up their past, in their failure delight?

Would he know all the right answers to America's ills,
Would he solve all our problems with the stroke of his quill?

Or would he be humble, unassuming and meek,
When accused and cajoled, turn the other cheek?

Would it be policy or people he serves,
Stand up for Truth, Principle his nerve?

Would he be consistent, year after year,
Or change his opinion to suit the right ear?

Would he cater to the rich, the nobles and elite,
Or to the peasant, the man on the street?

God's perfect man would bring Justice to all,
The rich, the poor, the great and the small.
Unyeilding in principle, true to the end,
offering peace, his hand as a friend.

"Do no harm" his motto would be,
but, "Defend my home? I guarantee".

But what if we missed him in his humble attire,
Overlooked him for a more eloquent sire?

That wouldn't be right! Miss him, surely not!
Heroes are always easy to spot.

~Rick George

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Ron Paul's Plan To Restore America Press Conference: 1 Trillion in Budge...


GOP presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul will unveil his economic plan Monday afternoon, calling for a lower corporate tax rate, cutting spending by $1 trillion during his first year in office and eliminating five cabinet-level agencies, including the Education Department, according to excerpts released to Washington Wire.

Mr. Paul’s “Restore America” plan calls for a drastically reduced federal government to help spur American business — a familiar theme for the Texas Republican and many of the GOP White House hopefuls. But unlike some of his Republican rivals who have released economic plans, the libertarian congressman mostly avoids the weeds of tax and trade policy, according to excerpts.

But Mr. Paul does get specific when he calls for a 10% reduction in the federal work force, while pledging to limit his presidential salary to $39,336, which his campaign says is “approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker.” The current pay rate for commander in chief is $400,000 a year.

The Paul plan would also lower the corporate tax rate to 15% from 35%, though it is silent on personal income tax rates, which Mr. Paul would like to abolish. The congressman would end taxes on personal savings and extend “all Bush tax cuts.”

He would also allow U.S. firms to repatriate capital without additional taxes. Some lawmakers have recently proposed such legislation as a way to spur job growth. Its critics argue that a tax holiday for companies with money abroad has not historically led to domestic investment.

But the plan, at its heart, is libertarian. While promising to cut $1 trillion in spending during his first year, Mr. Paul would eliminate the Departments of Education, Commerce, Energy, Interior and Housing and Urban Development. When former Massachusetts Gov. MItt Romney unveiled his economic plan last month, he said he would submit legislation to reduce nonsecurity, discretionary spending by $20 billion.

Mr. Paul would also push for the repeal of the new health-care law, last year’s Wall Street regulations law and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the 2002 corporate governance law passed in response to a number of corporate scandals, including Enron.

Other proposal are more vague, and the campaign has not yet released estimates of economic growth under the plan.

Mr. Paul, who wrote the book “End the Fed,” calls for an audit of the Federal Reserve and “competing currency legislation to strengthen the dollar and stabilize inflation.” The excerpts did not provide more details on how such legislation would work.

When it comes to Social Security, Medicare and other entitlement programs, Mr. Paul wants a system that “honors our promise to our seniors and veterans, while allowing young workers to opt out.” He also wants to run Medicaid, the state-federal health care program for the poor, and “other welfare programs” through block grants to states.

Ron Paul wants to unshackle America from the burden of government, regulations, and taxes. He is really the only candidate that proposes actually shrinking the size of the Federal government. All the other candidates have limited proposals to slightly reduce Federal government spending. Obviously, Mitt [ FLIP FLOP I WILL SAY / DO ANYTHING TO GET ELECTED ] Romney’s proposal to slash a token $20 billion in nondiscretionary Federal spending is only symbolic and would do nothing to get the country out of it's mess.

Herman { your an idiot } Cain’s much talked about 9-9-9 better translated from the German as NO - NO - NO proposal is another stab at complete stupidty and is a NO NO NO Go.

USA currently spends $ 3.5 Billion a day more than it collects in tax revenue. Quickly building up a mountain of debt that threatens the whole financial system with collapse. If these fools aka politicians & citzens do nothing they will become completly bankrupt. This happening even as you read this sentence.


There ought to be an OCCUPY ALL OF AMERICA movement instead of just an Occupy Wall Street movement.Take back this country from the power elite who ran it into the ground !! But at least Occupy Wall Street it’s something.


Where is the TEA PARTY ???

They should be down there marching arm in arm with Occupy Wall Street!!!!

As usual the cowardly and villainous right wing are clueless about the need to confront the evils of big business monoply's cronie Capitalism. So it’s up the stupid lazy Left to do all the heavy lifting.Again.


The power elite on Wall Street have economically devastated the US and are enslaving the world with trillions of dollars in debt. The damage that Big Government & Big Business has caused can not even be conceived of, so whether those protesters realize it or not they are really attacking not Big Capitalism but Big Government itself. How many will continue to stay and fight after they realize that ???

I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street


Great video. We will see how repressive our government can be when pushed.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world

AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.

The study's assumptions have attracted some criticism, but complex systems analysts contacted by New Scientist say it is a unique effort to untangle control in the global economy. Pushing the analysis further, they say, could help to identify ways of making global capitalism more stable.

The idea that a few bankers control a large chunk of the global economy might not seem like news to New York's Occupy Wall Street movement and protesters elsewhere (see photo). But the study, by a trio of complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, is the first to go beyond ideology to empirically identify such a network of power. It combines the mathematics long used to model natural systems with comprehensive corporate data to map ownership among the world's transnational corporations (TNCs).

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Change is a coming friends time for you to join up !!!

When the system is utterly corrupt and unfixable, it is our right to revolt. Thomas Jefferson made that clear over two hundred years ago:

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

It is its natural manure."

The young people leading this protest in a tiny park, surrounded by hoardes of armed police, amongst the skyscrapers built by their fathers and grandfathers, are sparking a revolution that is spreading across the globe. Technology is being used like never before to spread truth and ideas. This makes those in control very nervous. And they should be nervous. Their corrupt crony capitalist system is begining to crumble. This little town square sparked protests across the world on Saturday.

The rebirth of democracy is inspiring to those willing to enter the fray. If you stand on the sidelines and scorn and ridicule those willing to fight for justice, then you are part of the problem. Your world will change anyway, but you won't be part of the change.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


"Free people can say "no". Free people can refuse demands for their money, time, and children. Slaves cannot. There is no freedom without the freedom to say "no". If someone demands that you do something and you can say "no" and refuse to do it, then you are a free human being. If you can be forced to do something or surrender something that you do not wish to, then you are a slave. No other test need be applied"

Friday, October 14, 2011


America is disintegrating.

The “one Nation under God, indivisible” of the Pledge of Allegiance is passing away. In a few decades, that America will be gone forever. In its place will arise a country unrecognizable to our parents.

This is the thrust of Pat Buchanan’s Suicide of a Superpower.

The author of six New York Times bestsellers traces the disintegration to three historic changes: America’s loss of her cradle faith, Christianity; the moral, social, and cultural collapse that have followed from that loss; and the slow death of the people who created and ruled the nation.

America was born a Western Christian republic, writes Buchanan, but is being transformed into a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic stew of a nation that has no successful precedent in the history of the world.

Where once we celebrated the unity, the melting pot and shared experience, that the Depression and World War gave us, our elites today proclaim, “Our diversity is our greatest strength!”—even as racial, religious, and ethnic diversity are tearing nations to pieces.

Rejecting the commitment to a God-given equality of rights for all as inadequate, our government is engaged in the manic pursuit of equality of rewards, as it seeks to erect an egalitarian utopia that has never before existed. Less and less do we Americans have in common. More and more do we fight over religion, morality, politics, history, and heroes. And as our nation disintegrates, our government is failing in its fundamental duties, unable to defend our borders, balance our budgets, or win our wars.

How Americans are killing the country they profess to love, and the fate that awaits us if we do not turn around, is what Suicide of a Superpower is all about.


"As the faith that gave birth to the West is dying in the West, peoples of European descent from the steppes of Russia to the coast of California have begun to die out, as the Third World treks north to claim the estate. The last decade provided corroborating if not conclusive proof that we are in the Indian Summer of our civilization."

So begins Pat Buchanan in his hardcore work, SUICIDE OF A SUPERPOWER.

"Will America Survive to 2025?"

Buchanan, set for maximum controversy, launches all rockets at introduction "Disintegrating Nation" -- and does not let up for 400-plus pages.

"America is disintegrating. The centrifugal forces pulling us apart are growing inexorably. What unites us is dissolving. And this is true of Western Civilization....Meanwhile, the state is failing in its most fundamental duties. It is no longer able to defend our borders, balance our budgets, or win our wars."

The books reads as if its been written to be left behind in the ruins, only to be found by a future civilization.

SUICIDE ranked #2,668 on AMAZON's hit parade early Friday. It streets on Tuesday.

Now only the DRUDGE REPORT can offer a look inside.

Chapter 1: The Passing of a Superpower

“We have accepted today the existence in perpetuity of a permanent underclass of scores of millions who cannot cope and must be carried by society -- fed, clothed, housed, tutored, medicated at taxpayer’s expense their entire lives. We have a dependent nation the size of Spain in our independent America. We have a new division in our country, those who pay a double or triple fare, and those who ride forever free.”

Chapter 2. The End of Christian America

If [Christopher] Dawson is correct, the drive to de-Christianize America, to purge Christianity from the public square, public schools and public life, will prove culturally and socially suicidal for the nation.

“The last consequence of a dying Christianity is a dying people. Not one post-Christian nation has a birth rate sufficient to keep it alive....The death of European Christianity means the disappearance of the European tribe, a prospect visible in the demographic statistics of every Western nation.”

Chapter 3. The Crisis of Catholicism

“Half a century on, the disaster is manifest. The robust and confident Church of 1958 no longer exists. Catholic colleges and universities remain Catholic in name only. Parochial schools and high schools are closing as rapidly as they opened in the 1950s. The numbers of nuns, priests and seminarians have fallen dramatically. Mass attendance is a third of what it was. From the former Speaker of the House to the Vice President, Catholic politicians openly support abortion on demand.”

“How can Notre Dame credibly teach that all innocent life is sacred, and then honor a president committed to ensuring that a woman’s right to end the life of her innocent child remains sacrosanct?”

Chapter 4. The End of White America

“[W]hite America is an endangered species. By 2020, whites over 65 will out-number those 17 and under. Deaths will exceed births. The white population will begin to shrink and, should present birth rates persist, slowly disappear.”

“Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically and culturally, the verdict of 1848 is being over-turned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of the Constitution -- to “insure domestic tranquility” and ‘make us a more perfect union’? Or have we imperiled our union?” (Page 134)

Chapter 5. Demographic Winter

“Peoples of European descent are not only in a relative but a real decline. They are aging, dying, disappearing. This is the existential crisis of the West.” (Page 166)

“Not any Iranian weapon of mass destruction but demography is the existential crisis Israel faces....By mid-century...Palestinians west of the Jordan river will out-number Jews 2-1. Add Palestinians in Jordan, it is 3-1.”

“In a startling development of history, Russia’s population has fallen from 148 million in 1991 to 140 million today and is projected to plunge to 116 million by 2050, a loss of 32 million Russians in six decades.”

Chapter 6. Equality Vs. Freedom

“Those who would change society begin by changing the meaning of words. At Howard University, LBJ changed the meaning of equality from the attainable -- an end to segregation and a legislated equality of rights for African-Americans -- to the impossible: a socialist utopia.”

“Where equality is enthroned, freedom is extinguished. The rise of the egalitarian society means the death of the free society.”

“A time for truth. As most kids do not have the athletic ability to play high school sports, or the musical ability to play in the band, or the verbal ability to excel in debate, not every child has the academic ability to do high school work. No two children are created equal, not even identical twins. The family is the incubator of inequality and God its author.”

Chapter 7. The Diversity Cult

“The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental quality,” Wattenberg trilled.4 Yet, one wonders: What kind of man looks with transcendental joy to a day when the people among whom he was raised have become a minority in a nation where the majority rules?”

“Historians will look back in stupor at 20th and 21st century Americans who believed the magnificent republic they inherited would be enriched by bringing in scores of millions from the failed states of the Third World.”

Chapter 8: The Triumph Of Tribalism

America’s war of revenge against Japan was a race war. Newsreels, movies, magazines, comic books, headlines treated “Japs” as a repulsive race whose extermination would benefit mankind....Only well after the war was over was it re-branded a war to bring the blessings of democracy to...Japan.

We may deny the existence of ethnonationalism, detest it, condemn it. But this creator and destroyer of empires and nations is a force infinitely more powerful than globalism, for it engages the heart. Men will die for it. Religion, race, culture and tribe are the four horsemen of the coming apocalypse.

Chapter 9. ‘The White Party’

“Through its support of mass immigration, its paralysis in power to prevent 12-20 million illegal aliens from entering and staying, its failure to address the “anchor-baby” issue, the Republican Party has birthed a new electorate that will send it the way of the Whigs.”

Chapter 10: The Long Retreat

“We borrow from Europe to defend Europe. We borrow from the Gulf states to defend the Gulf states. We borrow from Japan to defend Japan. Is it not a symptom of senility to be borrowing from the world so we can defend the world?”

“Are vital U.S. interests more imperiled by what happens in Iraq where were have 50,000 troops, or Afghanistan where we have 100,000, or South Korea where we have 28,000 -- or by what is happening on our border with Mexico?...What does it profit America if we save Anbar and lose Arizona?”

Chapter 11: The Last Chance

“We are trying to create a nation that has never before existed, of all the races, tribes, cultures and creeds of Earth, where all are equal. In this utopian drive for the perfect society of our dreams we are killing the real country we inherited -- the best and greatest country on earth.”


Government-Generated Plots by Andrew P. Napolitano

Government-Generated Plots by Andrew P. Napolitano

Government-Generated Plots

by Andrew P. Napolitano

Recently by Andrew P. Napolitano: It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong

Does the government work for us or do we work for the government? Can the federal government take credit for saving us from a plot of its own creation? Tonight, has the federal government kept us safe or does it just want us to think that it has kept us safe?

Since the tragedy of 9/11, numerous crazies and low-level copy-cats have engaged in criminal behavior which they hoped would result in the deaths of innocent Americans and somehow advance the cause of jihad. If you ask the leadership of the FBI, most of whose field agents are tireless, dedicated, Constitution-supporting professionals, it will tell you that it has foiled about seventeen plots to kill Americans during the past ten years. What it will not tell you is that there have been twenty foiled plots; and of them, three were interrupted by members of the public. The seventeen that were interrupted by the feds were created by them.

We all remember the three that were foiled by diligent Americans: The shoe bomber, the underwear bomber, and the Times Square bomber. In all of these cases, the crimes charged were those of attempting to kill and conspiring with others to do so. In all three of those cases, alert Americans on transcontinental flights on or the streets of New York told authorities of bizarre behavior, or actually subdued the threats themselves. There was no foiling by the FBI. The plotters were – thankfully – bumbling fools who had poorly planned their criminal behavior, and who ended up harming no one. All three are serving life terms.

But the more curious cases are the remaining seventeen for which the federal government has taken credit. They all have a common and reprehensible thread. They were planned, plotted, controlled, and carried out by the federal government itself. In all of these seventeen cases – from the Ft. Dix Six to the Lackawanna Seven to the Portland Parade Bomber – the feds found young men of Muslim backgrounds; loners who were bitter at America. They befriended them, cajoled them, and persuaded them that they could change the world by killing Americans. In all these cases, agents worked undercover and portrayed themselves to the targets as Arabs of like un-American mind. In some cases, the federal agents used third parties to act as middlemen. The third parties are typically persons who have been convicted of crimes and who, in return for leniency at their sentencings, were willing to work with the same feds who prosecuted them in order to help entrap whomever else those feds are pursuing.

Thus, in all seventeen of these cases, because of the command and control of federal agents, no one was ever in danger, no one was harmed, no bomb went off, and no property was damaged. But in all those cases, the losers whom the feds targeted each believed that they were interacting with real plotters who would really bring them cash and bombs. As we know, sometimes the cash arrived, but the bombs never did. The defendants were essentially charged and convicted for playing a game with federal agents.

The most recent of those government-generated plots was revealed yesterday. It has a new twist as it allegedly involves agents of the intelligence apparatus of the government of Iran. It, too, was destined to go nowhere, as the feds monitored and taped every move made by the target as he interacted with federal agents whom he stupidly believed to be drug dealers and co-conspirators. Today, the feds themselves revealed that high officials of Iran's government knew nothing of this. Of course, the neocons have demanded bombs on Tehran, no matter what the government there knew. And this plot came to light the day before the Attorney General himself was subpoenaed by Congress in the Fast and Furious case.

You get the picture. Is any of this criminal? Can the government just pick and choose whom to seduce and then lower the boom at the right time and arrest its would-be confederates? Is this a proper use of law enforcement resources? The answers to these questions are obvious, and they are not good. The courts have made this legal so long as the target had a mental pre-disposition to cause harm. But none of this keeps us safe, all of it makes us less free as any of us can be entrapped, and we are fools if we praise the government for exposing a plot of its own creation and saving us from a danger that never existed.

Can the government break the law in order to enforce it? When it does, it becomes a law unto itself, and the rule of law dies, as the feds decide whom to target and whom to trap. Think about it: Are we really safe in a false sense of security? Why do we pay the government to trick us into believing it is keeping us safe? When no one is harmed, and the government controls the plot, aren't we just punishing someone for his thoughts? And in a free society, aren't people free to think as we wish? This must be so; for if the government can punish thoughts, there is no limit to its power.

From New York, defending freedom, so-long, America.

October 14, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

End the Fed Occupy Wall Street HE IS BACK GREAT STUFF

The young guy at Occupy Wall Street, who made a persuasive case for ending the Fed, is back on YouTube with a new video. This one is AS the first first. Awesome stuff. Thanks to Joe Silvergold.

Give me some men who are stout-hearted men,
Who will fight, for the right they adore,
Start me with ten who are stout-hearted men,
And I'll soon give you ten thousand more.
Shoulder to shoulder and bolder and bolder,
They grow as they go to the fore.
Then there's nothing in the world can halt or mar a plan,
When stout-hearted men can stick together man to man.


There are one set of rules for the Banks , Wall Street , Big business & big government and another for the Peasants !!!

So Obama Said....

the other day that "What Wall Street did was immoral, but it wasn't illegal" in response to a question about why nobody had gone to jail.

Really Mr. President you legal know it all ??? None of the following is illegal ???


Perjury is a felony in most circumstances. Banksters admitted to more than 100,000 instances of it by withdrawing perjured ("robosigned") affidavits. Just as with the testimony under oath in the case of Citifinancial, in this case the violation of the law is clear. Perjury can only be cured at "no penalty" up until it is clear that the defective statement or filing will be discovered; once you're "caught" you cannot avoid liability by withdrawing the filing.

Whether someone was paying their mortgage or not is immaterial as to whether filing a false affidavit is a criminal matter -- it is OBAMA YOU JACKASS. Why are not the corrupt Judges who aided and abet perjury not run out of the courthouse on a rail ??? Where are the handcuffs ???

Falsifying documents. Banks have admitted to doing it in court. They got a "deferred prosecution agreement" and not only did nobody go to jail nobody other than a few bloggers like myself raised hell about it until days before that agreement expired. Then, magically, it got news coverage. This is a clear black-letter felony; where are the handcuffs ???

The former chief risk officer for Citifinancial testified under oath before the FCIC that the company knowingly sold loans on to investors that did not meet their quality guidelines and published claims. In fact, he testified that by 2007 80 percent of those loans were defective. This is functionally identical to selling you a car and rolling back the odometer, peddling tainted medicine or selling melamine-laced baby formula. There is nothing complicated about this and there is under-oath testimony establishing that it was not an accident or an "error in judgment" as it continued for more than a year after it became known and was the subject of internal memos to corporate officers. This is not my conjecture or analysis, it is factual sworn testimony before a government body. Called fraud and it is against the LAW. Mr. Legal scholar Prez. Where are the handcuffs ???

Bill Black, who put more than 1000 banksters behind bars during the S&L Crisis, talking about "the enormous role of fraud," "the epidemic of fraud" that drove this crisis.

"Why Elite Frauds Cause Recurrent, Intensifying Economic, Political and Moral Crises"

Obama's only priority at this point is getting reelected. Nothing else matters.

Ponzi Schemes generally. Those are all illegal. They locked Charlie up for it (the originator of the name ) and more recently Bernie Madoff went to prison. Ok, Mr. President, how about all the stock analysts, the market callers, and pension fund managers along with the real estate industry that have been pumping 8, 10 or 11% annualized returns for the last three decades ??? These claims are all pyramid schemes and thus by the very definition of such a scheme are illegal. An 8% "annual return" for 45 years, the average working man's period of effort (20 to 65) produces a return of nearly 32 times the original amount invested. The 9% growth rate of medical cost over the last year (close to the premium increases over the last decade in annualized terms) for the person of age 50 that the government claims "will not see their Medicare harmed" has the annual cost of their medical insurance (assuming no increase due to age or greater risk) go from $5,000 a year to $100,000 by the time they're 85 ! The claims of Realtors that home prices would go up 10% "for the indefinite future" turns a $150,000 house into a $4.21 million house in 35 years. None of this was ever going to actually happen, and it still won't. Why did Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff go to prison when your administration, every member of Congress, those on Wall Street and otherwise in the "finance and investment" business community have not for the exact same offense ???

You put some bad debt in, you take some T-bills out
You watch Bernanke spin, and you shake the Congress down
You screw the people blind until their wallets empty out
That's what it's all about!----Iou

Jefferson County Alabama jailed several politicians and others for bribery and other crimes related to the infamous " sewer bond " nonsense. Why have no bankers gone to prison ??? It takes two people to commit bribery and similar offenses - someone who offers a bribe, and someone who accepts a bribe. One party went to prison while the other did not. No crimes in this case among the banksters ??? Pull the other one Mr. President; the damage here remains in that the water bills of these residents remains at ridiculously elevated levels as the financial harm done to the county was not forcibly returned from those banksters.

Sarbanes-Oxley criminalized false accounting statements. There have been multiple bank failures by public companies that filed balance sheets under penalty of criminal prosecution were they to be false just weeks before they blew up -- balance sheets that showed perfectly-healthy institutions. The FDIC has documented dozens of bank failures, privately-held and publicly-traded, where those balance sheets were proved factually false, as the losses have been 20, 30, 40% or even more just a few weeks later. It is beyond comprehension that the assets in question could have actually lost 30 or 40% of their value within that period of time. The only rational explanation is that these financial statements were a work of fiction. Sarbanes-Oxley makes this a criminal matter. Again, where are the handcuffs ???

All are equal under the eyes of the law and our current political system.Some are just more equal than others. George Orwell's American Barn 2011

I and many other bloggers and "alternative media outlets" have spent four years documenting these outrages and showing through simple mathematical analysis that the claims made by these charlatans, including yourself Mr. President, are mathematically impossible. That's the definition of a pyramid scheme. They're illegal because they cannot, mathematically, work. It is therefore illegal to hawk them to the public because they are by definition abusive; they will ultimately result in those who believe in them losing their money.

Your claim, Mr. President, that these acts were "morally repugnant but not illegal" is a lie. And you are truly iggnorant of the law you are suppposed to up hold.

The simple fact of the matter is that your administration is intentionally refusing to enforce long-standing law and by doing so you and your administration have lent official support to an organized effort to defraud and rob the American public.

Transparency was one of Barry's favorite words in his campaign. He was going to clean-up the fraud in the markets. But now there is no fraud or he is just stupid or beholden. All he can do is hide behind the too big to fail law and his AG. Passing the buck when you are the prez is no way to get re-elected.

" A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a thousand men with guns. " -- Mario Puzo

" It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. " -- Henry Ford

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


At a time when 44 million Americans subsist on government food stamps and lack the kind of medical care common to other developed nations, each US soldier in Afghanistan costs $1 million per annum. CIA employs 80,000 mercenaries there, cost unknown. The Pentagon spends a staggering $20.2 billion annually air conditioning troop quarters in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The most damning assessment comes from the US-installed Afghan leader, Hamid Karzai: America’s war has been "ineffective, apart from causing civilian casualties."

Operation Enduring Freedom – the dreadfully misnamed ten-year US occupation of Afghanistan – has turned into Operation Enduring Misery.

After ten years of military and civil operations costing at least $450 billion, over 1,600 dead and 15,000 seriously wounded soldiers, the US has achieved none of its strategic or political goals. As for Afghanistan, it has suffered untold civilian casualties, villages shattered by US bombing, night raids by death squads, over two million refugees and a 30-year civil war.

The entire western style, democratic nation-state and financial system is in a state of collapse. The collapse began in 2000 and accelerated dramatically after the first round of money printing wore off in 2007.

Since then there have been uprisings worldwide. Even Americans have begun to awaken from their slumber with the "Occupy Wall Street" protests According to Diane Sawyer, anchor of ABC World News, the Occupy Wall Street protests have now spread to "more than a thousand countries". Sure, that is about 800 more countries than exist on this planet but, hey, close enough for a newsreader.

Nonetheless, there is definitely a movement for change going on in the world and this has a number of governments scared. Most western governments are essentially bankrupt and attempting to cling to power a little longer by once again printing money.

Governments are like an organism. And, like a dying animal, governments around the world are thrashing about in their death throes finding any possible way to keep their enslavement game going a little while longer.

One of the predominant ways governments have begun to do so are to label anyone who is against their taxes, laws, welfare or wars as terrorists. The word "terrorism" has been sensationalized to the point where even saying the word scares people. So, all governments need to do to try to quell the masses is to make as many of us into terrorists as possible.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Incredible Speech By Wall Street Protester "End The Fed" 2011




And What Happens to the Perpetrators of These Crimes? Nothing. They Have Immunity.

by Bill Anderson on October 6, 2011 08:34 AM

Nearly every day, we read about new exonerations of people wrongfully convicted of crimes, and in almost all of those cases, the main reason for the wrongful conviction was prosecutorial misconduct. Two exonerations in Texas and California highlight the role of prosecutors who wanted convictions more than they wanted the truth. We read:

(Obie) Anthony spent 17 years in prison after he was convicted of shooting and killing a man outside a brothel in Los Angeles. The prosecution's star witness, a pimp, eventually recanted his testimony. The pimp was offered a lighter sentence for his own crimes in order to testify against Anthony, the L.A. Times reports, and no one else at the crime positively identified Anthony as the shooter. Anthony said he was never there.

The case of Michael Morton, wrongfully imprisoned for 25 years for the murder of his wife is even worse and highlights just how callous and dishonest American prosecutors have become:

Morton, a Texan who spent nearly 25 years in prison on charges of beating his wife to death, was also released on Tuesday after a long campaign by the Innocence Project to uncover evidence they say was deliberately suppressed by the prosecution.

DNA testing on a bandana found near the scene of the crime found blood from Morton's wife and an as-yet-unnamed convict who is suspected of killing another woman in a similar way two years later, while Morton was in jail. (When Morton was convicted in 1987, current DNA testing didn't exist.) The Innocence Project says the prosecution hid from the jury that Morton's three-year-old son, who witnessed the murder, told a relative that a "monster"—not his father—was the perpetrator. The jury was also never told that Morton's wife's purse was stolen and her credit cards used in the weeks after her death, when Morton was in custody, the Innocence Project says.

Prosecutors for many years blocked DNA testing, and even after the results were made known continued to concoct wacky theories that would justify their own version of events, versions that violated the Laws of Time and Space. In other words, they wanted a conviction, and it was easier to get one against Morton than to find the real killer.

These atrocities occur for many reasons, but the main one is that prosecutors have immunity for any actions they committed while doing their "duties" as prosecutors. That means that outside people who actually have been harmed by wrongful prosecutorial actions cannot sue their tormenters and must depend upon the state apparatus itself to punish these prosecutors, something that almost NEVER happens.

This is the inevitable result of leaving matters of "justice" in the hands of the State, and specifically protected state employees who always will favor their careers more than actual justice. Lew Rockwell in an excellent commentary a few days ago wrote:

...the rise and entrenchment of the American police state are rarely questioned. Public opinion is mostly happy with the whole thing. There can never be too much prosecutorial power, never too many police, never too many prisons, never sentences that are too long. No one says: "We should not be so tough." The entire ethos is the opposite.

He then gets to the heart of the issue, and that is the granting of these powers to the State:

How could this have happened in America? Well, looking back, it seems that it all stems from a single flaw: the belief that the most essential institution in society is the state that protects us from criminality and must maintain a monopoly over justice. Some of the greatest defenders of freedom otherwise have been happy to make this one concession to the state. And this one concession is now a major source of our undoing as a free people.

People have told me that unless we grant prosecutors immunity, they "cannot do their jobs in fear of being sued." Well, if "doing their jobs" is subornation of perjury, lying to the courts, making false and inflammatory public statements and hiding exculpatory evidence — something prosecutors do on a regular basis — then maybe we might be better off if prosecutors DID have to fear the lawsuit.

NOTE: One of the prosecutors in the Morton case, Ken Anderson, now is a Texas state district judge. And people wonder why the "justice" system in this country has run off the rails?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011



Join the March on Wall Street !!!

What you can not get there ???

Start a march in your city , town or village !!!


History has always vilfied the righteous and exalted the corrupt. The words of those who speak the truth are put to death and those who blasphemy and steal from the honest man are immortalized for posterity. The more that a person is slandered the more I tend to believe that person as being correct in thought and action.

That is why the Tea Party continues to be demonized. When the general USA population wakes up from their stupid lazy slumber, they will know who's words were honest and truthful and then there will be hell to pay for those who have deceived , stole & ruined America. The sheep will become wolves {OK WISHFUL THINKING ON MY PART , BUT HEY YOU NEVER KNOW }.

GO GET 'EM Occupy Wall Street

If there is any essential criticism to be made of Occupy Wall Street, it is that they have failed to target the true source of all these wrongs: the combine of governmental regulatory tyrants and the crony capitalists who make up the present kleptocracy !!!

They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media.

They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.

They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.

They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.

They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.

They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.

They have sold our privacy as a commodity.

They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit.

They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.

They have donated large sums of money to politicians supposed to be regulating them.

They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.

They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people’s lives in order to protect investments that have already turned a
substantive profit.

They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit


The television news of ABC , CBS , NBC and FOX is a joke. Top stories Amanda Knox & Michael Jackson ???

Are they serious ???

Big business and big government go together like a hand and glove. It's hard to know which one's the glove, but basically there's a lot of collusion between the two. Protesting one without the other is kind of silly. Also, if you think a corporation can't or won't steal your money then you are either lacking in imagination or just dumb.

Corporations are perfectly capable of colluding with the government to make you pay more for stuff that you basically can't go without by introducing regulations, etc...

Ultimately it's all about power, power of violence, which backs up the power of money. The government and the big corporations have access to it to an overwhelming extent vis-a-vis atomized zombie citizens. And they are buddies in bed with each other. Big business and thier stooges in big government will use that power to enrich themselves, and if they have to screw the rest of society, they will do that too....


Big government creates big regulations, which favor big business. They favor big business because a multi-billion dollar corporation can have a standing army of accountants and attorneys, and other compliance officers to make sure regulations are followed and taken advantage of. A hundred thousand dollar business can't.

Also big government creates treaties like NAFTA and WTO which favor big business because they can offshore labor, rendering American labor too expensive, becausethe USA has a so called higher standard of living or better known as over priced goods & services.

Finally, when big business drops the ball, big government bails them out lets them continue with their financial CRIMES.

Or have you not been paying attention ???

there is no more to free trade. What most people can not seem to understand is that 1000+ pages of documents ex: NAFTA with "free trade" in the title is not free trade, it is nothing but rules and regulations put in place by big business interests and enforced by the corrupt State.

A good rule of thumb: Anything labeled as "free trade" which is beyond two sentences is most likely anything but free trade.

This country is falling part. The useless president & do nothing congress are wasting time to create jobs and save this economy.

The GOP field of candidates for president is a joke.

Profits and CEO pay goes way up while incomes of the middle class & working people, once stagnant which was bad enough is going down. And it's wrong that guys who sit on their behind earn more for the workers toil than the workers do.

Is there a realistic and actually workable way to fix that ???

Not untitl the stupid sheep of America wake up !!
Not likely !!!

The stupid citzens settle for the government taking more and more of the middle class money.More tax breaks for the wealthy and powerful elites. The money which the Feds collect uses it to destroy liberty.

If oil and tobacco companies, for example, are so greedy and evil, what does that make a government that makes even more money from their products than they do ???

Those who think that decades of corrupt liberals and their inept teacher unions running the education establishment have caused no damage had best re-think their opinions. The ignorant spawn littering the streets of America are the end product of the Dept of Education and its minions, which began their brainwashing and dumbing down of America continues.

Monday, October 3, 2011

How Obama Won His US Senate Office by Robert Wenzel

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution… Bankers are more dangerous than standing armies… [and] If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.”

How Obama Won His US Senate Office by Robert Wenzel

At Political Theatre, Lew Rockwell mentions my comment to him about Tim Geithner's father funding President Obama's mother. The facts are there and it should be broadly understood, but what also should be understood is that it appears Obama had his political career cleared for him right from the start.

I happened to have somewhat of a front row seat when Obama first ran for Senate in Illinois. In the Democratic primary he ran against a very wealthy stock trader, Blair Hull. Hull was unskilled as a politician, but he had big money (his own) to compete against Obama. He had the support of Chicago's Gold Coast behind him and I attended one event where Billie Jean King endorsed him.

He was well ahead in the polls, when his sealed divorce papers were leaked to the press. During the divorce, his then-wife accused him of hitting her. Now, the one thing you could say about Hull was that he was a meek guy. You never really know what goes on behind closed doors, but my bet would have been that his ex was the one doing the smacking around, rather them him. That said, as we all know all kinds of accusations can fly in a divorce, especially when hundreds of millions of dollars were at stake.

But the press road this "beating" story, and the unskilled Hull plummeted in the polls and Obama won the Democratic primary by a huge margin.

In the general election, Obama faced the very popular Jack Ryan, a one time Goldman Sachs partner. It appeared that Obama had no chance against Ryan. But then Ryan's divorce records and child custody files were released. In the custody files, his then-wife, the actress Jeri Ryan (who had a role as Borg member "Seven of Nine" on Star Trek: Voyager), alleged that Jack Ryan had asked her to perform sexual acts with him in public in sex clubs in New York, New Orleans, and Paris. Jeri Ryan described one as "a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling."

Days after the release, Ryan withdrew from the race. In his place, the Republican Party placed the ineffective Alan Keyes, and Obama coasted into the Senate seat, receiving 73% of the votes.

It was the largest percentage ever achieved in the state history of U.S. Senate elections. When Lew writes that Obama:

was wafted upwards by the establishment, through the most expensive schools, to a sure-win US senate race, to the presidency, the fact that he was to the Langley manor born might explain it.

He isn't kidding. Without the extremely weak charges against Hull, that the media mysteriously harped on, Obama would have never made it out of the primaries. Then he comes up against Ryan, who to an outsider would have looked like a formidable opponent, but in retrospect was put in to be taken out Hull-style via divorce-related revelations, only to have Obama face the very weak opponent Keyes.

Wafted upwards is exactly what comes to mind.

Is JP Morgan Getting a Good Return on $4.6 Million “Gift” to NYC Police? (Like Special Protection from OccupyWallStreet?)

Is JP Morgan Getting a Good Return on $4.6 Million “Gift” to NYC Police? (Like Special Protection from OccupyWallStreet?)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chris Christie's accomplishments

Chris Christie's accomplishments


I don't get it.

Some of the most notable conservative personalities in America are clamoring for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to jump into the GOP presidential contest as a kind of political savior.

For the life of me, I don't understand it.

Can I ask a simple question that I hope clarifies my total skepticism?

Like it or not, here it is: Exactly what has Chris Christie accomplished in New Jersey as governor that makes him such an ideal candidate for the presidency?

I welcome answers to this question. It is not rhetorical. I especially look forward to hearing from residents of New Jersey – conservatives who want the whole nation transformed the way their state has been transformed under the leadership of Chris Christie.

I don't live in New Jersey, but I was born there. I have family there, and I am a frequent visitor. I am acutely aware of the problems New Jersey faces and how those problems were created and exacerbated by largely one-party rule for decades. And, don't get me wrong, I'm gratified that a Republican came along and won the governorship.

By now, however, Chris Christie should have some kind of a track record of executive leadership that his supporters can point to in extolling his virtues as a presidential candidate. I haven't heard a single one.

Give me one – just one.

I don't see any.

Has New Jersey been transformed under his leadership? Is it now a great place to live and work and start a business? Is it on its way to becoming one? How? Why? What has Chris Christie actually done to make it so?

If you can't point to such accomplishments, and I don't think any conservative can, then what his supporters really like is Chris Christie's rhetoric. They like his ideas. They like his platform. They like what he stands for.

Among other problems with Chris Christie's ideas – and this should be a disqualifier for any Republican officeholder, let along presidential contender – is that he is an enthusiastic, ardent supporter of cap-and-trade, which turns the biggest political hoax of the 21st century, catastrophic, man-made climate change, into a wealth-transfer scheme and regulatory nightmare unlike anything previously known. Christie loves cap-and-trade – and has actually instituted it with other neighboring states in a scheme known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, using some of the proceeds to pay off New Jersey's deficits. He is also using state money to subsidize so-called "green" technology much the way Barack Obama has.His budget included new taxes, new fees, federal stimulus funds and none of the across-the-board tax cuts he promised. His budget is actually 6 percent bigger than his predecessor's, and the budget for the governor's office increased tenfold.

Despite his popular anti-union rhetoric, he has yet to eliminate even one state employee. New Jersey conservatives say his Cabinet is filled with the kind of progressives that would be equally comfortable in a Barack Obama Cabinet. He has refused to join other states in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare, but he accepts federal funds for the implementation of a program in New Jersey that will likely someday be called "Christie-care." He supports amnesty for illegal aliens, supports the construction of the Ground Zero mosque and favors strict gun control

So what is it that I'm supposed to like about this guy?

Why are so many conservative personalities – from Rush Limbaugh to Ann Coulter – drooling over the prospect of a Chris Christie presidential candidacy?

I just don't get it.

Maybe someone can enlighten me – preferably someone from New Jersey whose life has been improved in some way by his governance."

what has Chris Christie accomplished ??? Nothing !!! America DOes NOT NEED him as the next President. America NEEDs a candidate who IS truly conservative. The country needs to stifle the programs that have been started by Obama. The good ol' USA NEEDS someone who stands for small government and will do something about the ballooning size of the Obama administration. THIS NATION DON'T NEED what Christie stands for PERIOD.

He's just the next installment from the Republican elite. First it was Romney, but Bachmann upset that applecart. Then it was Perry; blown out of the water by Cain. They haven't figured out that the Tea Party people don't want the same old song and dance.He's a RINO and anyone who breaks bread (kisses ass) with the power elite will never be supported by the Tea party. So many Americans today still have the mentality of chosing the lesser of the two evils. Both parties are broken. The system is broken and NOBODY at the moment will get us back on track. A POX OPN BOTH PARTIES. People pray that the voters in both Parties would get sound, strong, people to step up and lead and bring us back to what the Constitution says and get rid of those who oppose it. Uphold the rule of law and arrest people in power who break the laws.

Romney Care, Obama Care, what's the difference ??? Chrissy Christie, Chrissy Matthews, what's the difference ??? Twiddle Dee, Twiddle Dum !!! Chris Christie is just another addition to the Rino Party that's the legacy of the failed Bush presidency. When you compromise with Demo Rats, you become a Demo Rat. GOP is good at talking a big game.

Although I want Obama to be retired yesterday and look at Republican alternatives, they are ALL CLOWNS !!!

What would a good conservative governor do ??? Lower taxes, balance the budget, create thousands of jobs, pass torte reform, deregulate, create a business friendly environment, oppose cap and trade, fight back against Washington's intrusion...has Christie done this ???

NO !!

The Powers To Be in the Republican party, the BIG donors, the critical supporters, the "elite" are so afraid of nominating a conservative. All of the phony campaign strategists who think they know best still believe a conservative candidate will allianate the independents. They are in fact so afraid of a conservative candidate they will do everything in their power to elect Mitt. Thier mind set is that the conservatives will vote Republican like sheeple, regardless of which Rino is nominated. Who in their right mind would have chosen McCain ??? The GOP is still in sad shape because they have no true direction. Christie is their perfect candidate because he is so middle of the road. The Tea Party must step up the pressure and not let the elite choose the candidate. America still needs a strong conservative to step out of the shadows and steal the show. It certainly ain't Christie !!!

Read my lips America - WE NEED A TRUE CONSERVATIVE IN 2012. Don't allow the liberal lunatics of the heathen media dictate the GOP nominee.

What is missed is that more and more I am beginning to see that the Republican party is the same party of the rich they have always been. The difference is that today the Dems/Libs are the "me too" party, seeing how much money and media coverage they can get by screwing the middle class and the workers of America so that the top 10% can make more money at everyone's expense.

When was the last time top Union leaders, the ones that are frequent guests in a Dem White House, held the Dems accountable for shipping their jobs overseas, in working conditions that would get a company shut down and their owners arrested had it happened here.

No government subsidy has ever led to a breakthrough in technology, or the reduction in costs, or any substantive improvement of anything. At best, government subsidy has provided a platform by which man was able to reach the moon, as a matter of scientific study, and to go into space for research purposes. It has done nothing by doing so, to improve our lives, nor to improve the production of anything of absolute need in our lives on earth. I'm glad it was done, as it shows what man can accomplish in peace when he chooses, however it is the best example of the only possible outcome of subsidies: perhaps great things undoable any other way, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, but everything requiring a subsidy is by definition, not a step toward a more efficient idea, but only a means of funding something which no one would fund by private choice of their own money. No one who chooses government subsidy believes in true free market economics, because the two are antithetical completely. This Nation was the epitome of freedom, and since it ceased to operate as a true free market, it has only foundered and fallen. America must choose people who accomplish on their own, and completely eschew all who would subsidize anything at all, or all is lost all America ever was & stood for !!!