Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Boehner the enabler

Boehner the enabler

" Obama, Reid and Boehner lied to us. Boehner has got to go! Everyone who voted for this budget has got to go because they deceived us! Spending our money is one thing – but their lies, tricks and deceit are not acceptable under any circumstances. "

Obama increased spending $700 billion in two years. The "cut" of $352 million is only one-twentieth of 1 percent of $700 billion. Those 59 Republicans who voted against this budget understand this. They also understand that conservative Americans have been betrayed.

Obama, Boehner, and Reid all knew that this scam of a deal would not cut any spending, even though it cut the discretionary budget. They all knew that they were spinning the truth when they told America that they cut the discretionary budget without explaining that was not the same as cutting actual spending. They all knew that nothing could be done to defund Planned Parenthood, Obamacare and NPR once they were included in a budget that got approved by Congress and signed by the president.

And if they didn't know these things, then they are incompetent and should be fired.  "

Steve McCann wrote: Obama's speech "was chock full of lies, deceit and crass fear-mongering. It must be said that [he] is the most dishonest, deceitful and mendacious person in a position of power I have ever witnessed" ("The Mendacity of Barack Obama," AmericanThinker.com, April 15, 2011).

McCann continued: "[His] performance was the culmination of four years of outright lies and narcissism that have been largely ignored by the media, including some in the conservative press and political class who are loath to call [him] what he is in the bluntest of terms: a liar and a fraud. That he relies on his skin color to intimidate, either outright or by insinuation [against] those who oppose his radical agenda only add to his audacity. It is apparent that he has gotten away with his character flaws his entire life, aided and abetted by sycophants around him. …"

Read more: When will Obama crack in public?

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