Sunday, April 10, 2011


ok once again for those who missed it.

Sheila Bair, the chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is inept or corrupt or both. This is criminal behavior. People should be going to jail. Any judge in any court across this nation that accepted any of these fake papers is as corrupt as the banks & aide and abets perjurers. And any honest Judge that actually looked at the totally false documents presented would throw the case out and charge the banks with contempt of court. This should be on every news show nightly and morning spread the word to all you know .HEY 60 MINUTES LOOK INTO THE BANKS & DEBT GOING AFTER PEOPLE FOR CREDIT CARD DEBIT IT IS JUST AS BAD WITH THE FRAUDLENT DOCUMENTS PRESENTED ….AND JUST AS ILLEGAL !!!


Part one …..


The middle class homeowner can not win in the corrupt courts that allow these fraudulent foreclosures to continue. An American middle-class that built & made this nation great at one time. No longer .This collusion & sabotage by the evil bankers and crooks on wall street have destroyed this nation. Where is the outrage ???

Why no class action law suit ???

Why no criminal charges ???

More importantly why any property owner in ALL 50 states is not going to the fixed court proceedings demanding the proper , correct and appropriate legal documents.



Demand that (Qualified Written Request - QWR) which requires your lender to Produce the Original Signed Mortgage Note upon request be presented.
It is a fact that over 40% of lenders nationwide have lost your original
signed mortgage deed. The significance is that if they can't prove that they
have it, then they can NOT legally foreclose upon you. Plain & simple folks.

The problem is that lenders have been getting away with murder on this issue because they know that property owners do not know their rights. However, as former President Harry Truman said years ago, "The buck stops here!!!" Enough is enough and too much is too much. Property owners MUST take the bull by the horn (whether you are in distress with your mortgage or not) and ensure that your lender legally owns your mortgage. Make demands to the lender to
the "Produce The Note" strategy and the lenders may not comply. In the
interim foreclosures can be stopped based upon this fact and you can
stay in your home (MORTGAGE FREE) ! Once a foreclosure is stopped using this strategy it is ILLEGAL for your lender to restart the foreclosure process
without proving that they can do ,in fact, hold The Note! If they do, they are in
violation of the Fair Debts Collection Act, RESPA Laws and you can sue
them, report them to their local Bar Association { ANOTHER USELESS ORGINAZATION IN SOME STATES , BUT YOU HAV3E TO TRY & FIGHT , FIGHT, FIGHT !!! },

60 Minutes goes out and finds the people who were committing mass fraud, and they freely are telling their story on TV, yet the Justice Dept, OCC & FDIC can't find a single person to charge in this trillions dollar bank heist ???

However even with the documentation to prove the infractions, the government fails to enforce the laws.

This is not just a civil matter but an criminal matter yet today after the airing of this piece these bank are not shut down for violating US laws. This is why the Nation is still dealing with this financial crisis because Obama does not want to enforce those responsible for cause the crisis because he picking winner and loser in this alleged Capitalistic society.

Federal Government has put trillions into these banks and which make them partners Wall Street. If corporations were treated like individuals, there would be an cease & desist orders place on them all, until some type of trial to determine if charges were to be brought.

Some lying rats want to point to a legal contract and the fact that payments was not paid, however it can't be proven who a payment was owed too ! The reason for the forgeries is because banks know that when the separation of the Notes & and security instruments (Deeds of Trust) is done that the debt is not longer is attached to the properties.

Some are wanting to say that the Note automatically has control of property, however that not true because the Deeds is put up for collateral and is separated and does not control whether owner of debt can execute ownership right because it does not belong to them. Once the title is separated from the Note the debt is not longer attached to the properties, thus the reason for the forgeries.

Since this tv program has aired what has the Federal Government done about this report by 60 Minutes and where are the other news medias on this subject ???

It is like homeowners are slaves and have no rights and Obama { What a joke } as a Constitutional lawyer is unaware of unlawful seizure !!!

The only reason we are even at this point is because of the pressure by the State Attorney Generals. Obama's modification programs have only provide cover for banks who are allowed to manipulate this procedure and not offer HAMP modifications, but to just a select a few borrowers in some dog & pony show of compliant, but instead the banks mostly process borrowers for some bogus in-house modification that does not address a payment reduction that solve the issue. Obama is a partner to the crime committed by not having Atty Gen Holder enforce the law !!

Extremely disturbing was that the head of the FDIC (who does not oversee mortgages or banks-the Comptroller of the Currency [OCC] does) also confirmed that banks and mortgage companies have committed extensive fraud-so extensive that it outdoes any fraud heretofore in history. Her recommended remedy. She thinks that the congress should pass laws that limit the banks' and mortgage companies' liability !!! She needs to hand in her resignation immediately !!!

It is outrageous that a government official implicitly admits to having knowledge of widespread, rampant fraud and other criminal activities on the part of the same banks that drove this nation into economic devastation, then has the audacity to promote protecting the perpetrators under the guise that seeking just retribution would further undermine our economy. This is unacceptable and she should be removed from her position.

Deal with the OCC there are many people more happy to share their horror stories, i.e., complaints dismissed even though the OCC has in their possession voluminous evidence that documents disturbing and troubling wrongdoing on the part of the mortgage bank including flagrant criminal activity. OCC & FDIC lets turn a blind a eye for we are complicit in this injustice. Government is the problem not the solution.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Like the attorney in the 60 minutes story, People are as mad as hell and are standing up and standing strong. For their rights The time is at hand for all those thru out the land to encourage others to band together and demand that our rights be protected and our voices heard !!!

The federal government has been turning a deaf ear and blind eye to these criminal activities as well as being hostile to those people that have asked that they (the OCC) do their jobs; but, until this 60 minutes piece, many folks were unaware that they were also promoting protecting the criminals that have committed fraud and caused yet more unneeded economic devastation to US families, communities and this beloved country.

The Feds know all about the fraud, Obama knows about the fraud, the congress knows about the fraud , the courts know about the fraud Hell any nit wit with half a brain knows about the fraud , everybody knows but nobody is doing anything. Why ? Because somebody is going to lose big time if they can't find this paperwork, who wants to pay off a mortgage that won't give you a guarantee you paid the right person.

So, since somebody is going to get hurt either the little people who are what makes this country run, not big shot corrupt politicians , corrupt judges , corrupt lawyers or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Donald Trump, it’s the common people.

Then all that bailout money was a waste because they are going to go belly up again in short order. So, given those choices they have decided to go the least painful route and let the people take it on the chin. it's cheaper that way, either way, the taxpayer ends up paying. If the greedy bankers fail again due to their fraud the ignorant sheep will once again be picking up the tab for that costly mess too. Must be nice to have special privileges, FRAUD PROTECTION, you can lie and get away with it. “

To be continued……..

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