Sunday, April 17, 2011

THE BAILOUT: The Full House Debate

" And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. " Lord Acton (1834-1902) Gee, he didn't only vote for TARP, he supported it. Yeah, and he did exactly nothing about those Wall Street "problems" he rants about after the fact either, including refusing and failing to shut those bankbanks down and break them up.We've established what sort of snake Ryan is, which simply amplifies that his so-called plan is a farce and will do nothing to solve the problem.Ryan: "As bad as this is it could get a lot worse". It will get a lot worse. These bankster sellouts transfered the bank losses to the taxpayer. So unsurprising. How many politicians have to be discovered lying, supporting government growth, debt, etc. before we take the *pessimistic* view on ANY of them and make them PROVE through ACTUAL DEEDS that they are looking out for the citizens of this country ??? How many times are you to trust these evil men and women, only to be back-stabbed later, before you say, " ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!! " Here's a link to big baby Boehner's TARP whine, plus Paul Ryan can't even explain to Neil Cavuto why TARP is necessary. BUSTED. All the talk about "Taxpayers getting their money back" when Wall Street recovers is just such utter nonsense and always has been. There is no money. Now, 2 1/2 years later, Wall Street has recovered but the debt is far higher today than it was at the time. WHAT MONEY BACK ??? Taxpayers are on the hook for even more now. He said at 2:21:20 that if Wall Street can't get what it wants, it will shut down credit and cripple the economy. Quote: "This wall street crisis is becoming a main street crisis - credit shuts down, businesses can't pay payroll, student can't get loans, no car loans, no money for seniors." Well - Wall Street got bailed and and has been partying since. BUT MAIN STREET IS STILL A MESS !!! All that he said would have happened is STILL GOING TO HAPPEN & SHOULD HAPPEN !!! IT HAS TO HAPPEN TO END THIS SCAM !!! COLLAPSE THIS BULL ALREADY !!! ENOUGH !!!! The woman who appeared right after Ryan asks the questions : Where were the cops - the regulators - and why are we bailing out the shysters, not the victims ??? You vote for these jackasses you deserve what you get you stupid sheep. Click "play" to move 2:19:30 to start about right where pathetic Ryan makes warped excuses for his vote.

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