Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Your Papers, Citizen by Fred Reed

Your Papers, Citizen by Fred Reed

A staple of American self-esteem is that we Yanks are brave, free, independent, self-reliant, ruggedly individual, and disinclined to accept abuse from anyone. This was largely true in, say, 1930. People lived, a great many of them, on farms where they planted their own crops, built their own barns, repaired their own trucks, and protected their own property. They were literate but not educated, knew little of the world beyond the local, but in their homes and fields they were supreme.

If they wanted to swim buck nekkid in the creek, they swam buck nekkid. If whistle pigs were eating the corn, the family teenager would get his rifle and solve the problem. Government left them alone.

Even in the early Sixties, in rural King George County, Virginia, where I grew up, it was still mostly true. The country people built their own boats to crab in the Potomac, converted junked car engines to marine, made their own crab pots, planted corn and such, and hunted deer. There was very little contact with the government. One state trooper was the law, and he had precious little to do.

I say the following not as an old codger painting his youth in roseate hues that never were, but as serious sociology: We kids could get up on a summer morning, grab the .22 or .410, put it over our shoulder and go into the country store for ammunition, and no one looked twice. We could go by night to the dump to snap-shoot rats, and no one cared. We could get our fishing poles – I preferred a spinning reel and bait-casting tackle – and fish anywhere we pleased on Machodoc Creek or the Potomac. We could drive unwisely but joyously on winding wooded roads late at night and nobody cared.

Call it “freedom.” We were free, and so were the country folk on their farms and with their crabbing rigs. Because we were free, we felt free. It was a distinct psychology, though we didn’t know it.

Things then changed. The country increasingly urbanized. So much for rugged.

It became ever more a nation of employees. As Walmart and shopping centers and factories moved in, the farmers sold their land to real-estate developers at what they thought mind-boggling prices, and went to work as security guards and truck drivers. Employees are not free. They fear the boss, fear dismissal, and become prisoners of the retirement system. So much for Marlboro Man.

Self-reliance went. Few any longer can fix a car or the plumbing, grow food, hunt, bait a hook or install a new roof. Or defend themselves. To overstate barely, everyone depends on someone else, often the government, for everything. Thus we becamethe Hive.

Government came like a dust storm of fine choking powder, making its way into everything. You could no longer build a shed without a half-dozen permits and inspections. You couldn’t swim without a lifeguard, couldn’t use your canoe without Coast-Guard approved flotation devices and a card saying that you had taken an approved course in how to canoe. Cops proliferated with speed traps. The government began spying on email, requiring licenses and permits for everything, and deciding what could and could not be taught to one’s children, who one had to associate with, and what one could think about what or, more usually, whom.

With this came feminization. The schools began to value feelings over learning anything. Dodge ball and freeze tag became violence and heartless competition, giving way to cooperative group activities led by a caring adult. The female preference for security over freedom set in like a hard frost. We became afraid of second-hand smoke and swimming pools with a deep end. As women got in touch with their inner totalitarian, we began to outlaw large soft drinks and any word or expression that might offend anyone.

Thus much of the country morphed into helpless flowers, narcissistic, easily frightened, profoundly ignorant video-game twiddlers and Facebook Argonauts. As every known poll shows, even what purport to be college graduates do not know who fought in World War One, or that there was a Mexican-American war, or where Indochina is.

Serving as little more than cubicle fodder, they could not survive a serious crisis like the first Depression. And they look to the collective, the hive, for protection. The notion of individual self-defense, whether with a fist or a Sig 9, is, you know, like scary, or, well, just wrong or macho or something. I mean, if you find an intruder in your house at night, shouldn’t you, like, call a caring adult?

The echoes of the former America linger in commercials in commercials for pickup trucks with throaty bass voices and footage of Toyotas powering through rough unsettled country that almost no one ever even sees these days. Mostly it’s just marketing to suburban blossoms. The number of vehicles with four-wheel drive that have actually been off a paved road is not high.

Many who grew up in the former America, and a good many today in the South and west, substantially adhere to the old values. They won’t last. We live in the day of the Hive, and in the long run there is no point fighting it.

But for these relics, who like to wind the Harley to a hundred-and-climbing on the big empty roads out west, who throw the deer rifle in the gun rack on the first day of the season, who set out into the High Desert for sheer love of sun and barren rock and sprawling isolation – the terror of guns, of everything, makes no sense.

They – we – grew up with guns. Since nobody ever shot anybody accidentally or otherwise, we accepted as obvious: that people, not guns, committed murder. Did shotguns leap into the air of their own volition, point themselves, and open fire? Or did someone pull the trigger? If a murderer shot his victim, did you put the gun in jail, or the murderer? If remote urban barbarians below the level of civilization shot people, what did that have to do with us?

A different America, a different culture. We really were free. You could come out of the house on a summer morning and let the dogs run loose in the fields, nobody ever having heard of a dog license. You could change the oil in your car or rewire your basement without the county meddling. You could shoot varmints eating your garden and no one cared. The government left you alone. This is not an unimportant part of the dispute over guns – wanting to be left alone. Nobody in America, ever again, is going to be left alone. Not ever.

Progressives Love Guns (and Other Things They Don’t Teach in Government School) by James Ostrowski

Progressives Love Guns (and Other Things They Don’t Teach in Government School) by James Ostrowski

I want to talk today about some things they don’t teach in government school and that the lying progressive politicians won’t tell you.

The right to bear arms is a natural right of the individual. It wasn’t and isn’t granted by the government or the Constitution or some slimy politician any more than your right to breathe comes from the government. If you have the right to life, then you must have the means to defend that life against those who would stop you from breathing or who would turn you into a slave or a laboratory rat, which, judging from current trends, appears to be about where we are headed in this country.

We live under the most powerful government that ever existed and it’s getting bigger and stronger every week as new laws are passed taking over more and more aspects of life that used to be free. There is no literally no aspect of life, no matter how trivial or formerly private that progressive politicians do not have designs on: Little League football, the size of soft drinks, or what you say on Twitter about your government school jailers. These days, there is no aspect of your life, liberty or property or family life that is absolutely secure against this crazed progressive onslaught.

That is why we must resist this current gun grab by all means the Founding Fathers sanctioned in the Declaration of Independence including the right to alter or abolish a government destructive to our liberties. That’s right, Governor, abolishing this government is on the table.

Now, these days, those words in the Declaration are ignored or edited out when politicians quote the document. Rather, the phrase "all men are created equal" is offered up as some sort of Marxist balderdash about the state making us all equal. The meaning of that phrase is clear, however. We are all equal in natural rights such as liberty which precludes any form of progressivism, socialism or Marxism. Sorry Barack!

Consider this. Isn’t the right to bear arms implied in the right of revolution that is proclaimed in the founding document of our nation? Of course it is. Good luck fighting a revolution against a state that can send a drone to your house and make you disappear when all you have to fight back is a squirt gun.

Not only is the right to bear arms implied in our founding document, but the actual start of the revolution was an act of resistance against British gun control at Lexington and Concord. America was born when the Minute Men picked up their privately-owned muskets and formed a line of defense against government troops coming up the road to take their guns away.

They don’t teach this stuff in government school.

It is critical to realize that progressives never address the actual reason for the right to bear arms. Rather, they seek to confuse the issue by answering arguments for the right to bear arms that were never made. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, sport or target shooting, or collecting antiques and its main purpose is not to allow you to protect yourself from criminals although that is a secondary and important purpose. It is an undeniable historical fact that the central purpose of the right to bear arms is to allow the people to protect themselves against the government.

Now, why do progressives ignore or pretend not to know the true purpose behind the Second Amendment even though our side has been explaining it for many, many years? Two reasons. First, they cannot rebut the argument! History and logic show that governments are dangerous to people when they get too much power, get too crazed in their ideologies and when the people are weak, disorganized and unarmed or disarmed. In the 20th century, 170 million people were murdered by their own governments according to historian RJ Rummel. The Soviets, a US ally, killed 62 million; the Communist Chinese killed 35 million. The Nazis killed 21 million. US ally Nationalist China killed 10 million. Japan killed 6 million, Cambodia killed 2 million and Turkey killed 1.8 million.

How can they deny obvious facts? Can they argue that Germans are so different from Americans? After all, they were an advanced Western, Christian nation and German-Americans are the largest ethnic group in America. To say it can’t happen here is a bad argument. They could argue that the US state has never engaged in mass murder against its own citizens but that’s a bad argument because our citizens have always been well-armed, so that proves our point. That’s another bad argument they don’t make.

So, instead of making bad arguments against the true purpose of the Second Amendment, they make good arguments against an imaginary Second Amendment that never existed. It’s extremely effective in a population short on critical thinking skills they never learned in government school. If government schools taught critical thinking skills, the first thing the students would ask is why the hell in a free country does the government have the right to kidnap children for 12 years, send them to daytime juvenile detention centers run by progressive Democratic union members and send their parents the bill, threatening to foreclose on their houses if they don’t pay up?

The second reason why progressives never confront the true reason behind the Second Amendment is even more interesting and more important. The notion that a government with a monopoly of armed force could be an evil thing is abhorrent to them. It goes against the core of their ideology – that government guns pointed at peaceful citizens can create a utopia on earth. That can’t happen if the citizens are pointing guns back.

But progressives don’t want to admit that their ideology contains no room for privately-owned guns since there presently is too much support for the right to bear arms. So, again, they simply ignore the issue and try to confuse people by talking about hunting, target shooting and shotguns for home defense. By narrowing the scope of the purposes of gun ownership, they hope to be able to continually chip away at gun rights until all private guns are banned which is of course their actual goal. The more honest among them will admit, in response to our question – what do I do when a burglar tries to break the door down – "Call the police." Right, so the crime historians can draw a chalk line around your family’s bodies and call the medical examiner.

But that’s what they think. They really believe we would be better off if only the government had guns. That’s why they love to cite phony statistics that Professor Kleck has refuted that allegedly prove that guns in the home are likely to be used, not for defense, but against one of the members of the family. They really think we’d be better off without any guns even though they won’t admit it. That’s why Cuomo’s treasonous gun law is not the end, any more than that weasel George Pataki’s gun law was the end in the 1990’s. Since progressives are utopians who wish to use the power of the state to make life perfect on earth, there is never an end to their efforts to grab power from us.

Here’s another thing you won’t learn in government school or out of the mouths of lying progressive politicians. Most crime in America is caused by failed progressive policies such as welfare, the war on drugs and government schools. By their very nature, progressives are unable to acknowledge the failure of their own ideology. So they use guns as a scapegoat to distract attention away from their failures and avoid having to change their policies. The data is clear. The rise of the welfare state led to the destruction of the family unit in minority communities. Fathers left the home and teenage boys joined criminal gangs as a perverted form of father substitute.

Government schools failed to provide what was missing at home and merely served as a recruiting ground for gangs and a distribution point for drugs. Local high schools in this area compete for the nickname, "heroin high." The progressives’ war on drugs is an abysmal failure which merely sucks poor kids into a criminal and violent lifestyle once they realize that government school gave them no job skills and that progressive policies sucked all the economic vitality out of once bustling inner city neighborhoods.

Now, we don’t really know much about the cause of the latest school shooting – they are suppressing the lab report and other information. But we do know that several school shooters were bullied in government school and went back for revenge. Also, the politicians brag that they have made government schools gun-free zones, assuring mass killers of an easy target.

The state kidnaps kids, bullies them, turns them into bullies of the weaker, gives them dangerous psychotropic drugs, then leaves the students defenseless, and it’s the fault of the shotgun locked in your safe at home? That’s madness. School shootings are a failure of progressive policies. They invented the daytime juvenile detention center in the first place. Beyond school shootings, government schools are bad places for your kids for reasons I explained in a book and you should take them out anyway and soon.

I’m not going to argue statistics today but consider the fact that the folks in suburban and rural areas surrounding Buffalo are armed to the teeth but do not suffer from the decades-old crime wave and reign of terror criminals have imposed on the city of Buffalo. Case closed. Why should guns be confiscated from law-abiding people because progressives have unleashed a crime wave in America?

By the way, if you want people to accept your right to possess private property, guns, you had better consider accepting the right of other people to possess private property, drugs, if they so choose. Liberty is seamless and does not allow for exceptions. Liberty is doing what you wish with what you own. Doing what you wish with what you own. In fact, the war on drugs has proved to be the major driving force behind the war on guns. Same war, different name.

A couple more things they don’t teach in government school. Progressives don’t hate guns; they love guns. They love them so much they want to be the only ones who have any. They want a gun monopoly. Again, a progressive is a person who has this fantastic dream of creating a utopia on earth by threatening people with government guns if they don’t comply with their utopian schemes. The difference between progressives and us is this. They want to use guns aggressively, to make peaceful people do things they don’t want to do. We wish to use them only defensively, to stop a government that gets out of control and engages in mass murder, or systemically tramples the Bill of Rights.

The progressive state uses guns against us on a daily basis to impose their will on us. Yet, to my knowledge, not a single Patriot has fired a gun back. We have exercised remarkable restraint. So, again, the government schools, the politicians and the mainstream media lie. The truly violent gun fanatics and gun lovers are the progressive gun grabbers, not us.

One last point before I close. I have seen very few African-Americans at these rallies. I don’t understand that. No group has suffered more under government tyranny than blacks. The federal government kept them in slavery for 75 years. Slavery is a form of slow motion, mass murder. After slavery, governments took their guns away and failed to provide police protection.

One of the purposes of the 14th Amendment was to allow blacks to own guns for protection. Blacks are more likely to be the victims of violent crime. Finally, if you study the history of the various mass murders perpetrated by governments, they very often are aimed at ethnic, racial or religious minorities as they were in Germany and Turkey. If I was a member of a racial minority in a hostile world, I would be a ferocious defender of the right to bear arms.

So those are a few points about the right to bear arms they don’t teach in government school and that you won’t hear from lying politicians or the state-controlled media.

Detroit: From Rust to Riches: Is Detroit a Self-Defense Haven?

Detroit: From Rust to Riches: Is Detroit a Self-Defense Haven?: Detroit has been getting a lot of attention for its recent shootings. Not the usual criminal stuff, but the step-up in self-defense shootings as people have come to realize that the police only exist to mark the outlines of bodies with chalk.

- Here is the story of a shootout at a tax preparation business in a suburban Detroit residence. A couple attempted to rob the tax preparer in spite of the fact that a security car was sitting out front. What did the security guard use to defend his clients? One of those demonized AR-15s. But of course, no one could possibly ever have a reason to need a high-capacity magazine.

- Another Detroit senior has shot back at apparent criminals. His story is that two teenagers tried to attack and rob him, a 70-year-old girls' basketball coach of a Detroit high school, as he escorted a couple of his players to their cars after a game. One of the criminals intending violence was killed. All I saw on the news that evening is the family members of the two teenagers talking about what great kids they were, and how they would never do such a thing. Yet one of them had already been expelled from school, according to ABC News. Then it was revealed that the coach is also a Detroit Police Dept reserve officer. While the mother of the dead child claimed her son would never do any such thing, the Wayne County's Prosecutor's Office called this a textbook case of self-defense.

- A candy store owner was almost the victim of a thug who intended to rob his wholesale business. The owner pulled a gun and shot the guy dead.

- Another great defensive measure occurred when two kids (brothers) attempted to rob two utility workers as they came down a pole. One of the utility workers was armed, and he shot the attackers, hitting both. Immediately following the incident, the family once again chimed in with the usual response:

"My 16-year-old, he's a smart kid, intelligent kid. He wasn't no ghetto gangster, no robber, never beat up a person or nothing like that," said Mitchell. "I never heard of my sons carrying no guns. I just don't understand."

Really? Smart, "good" kids who have so little respect for human life that they sling around guns as if they were toys. This man who saved two lives may be punished for carrying a gun while on the job.

Now here are some stats from The Daily:

Justifiable homicide in the city shot up 79 percent in 2011 from the previous year, as citizens in the long-suffering city armed themselves and took matters into their own hands. The local rate of self-defense killings now stands 2,200 percent above the national average. Residents, unable to rely on a dwindling police force to keep them safe, are fighting back against the criminal scourge on their own. And they’re offering no apologies.

Now - before you brand Detroit as being unique in this regard (crime), these desperation crimes are occurring all over, whether it is Memphis, St. Louis, Oakland, or, of course, Chicago. Just try defending yourself in Washington, D.C. or the wonderful city of Chicago, America's gun-free killing field. At least here we can defend ourselves, and without - for the most part - overzealous prosecutors incarcerating victims who choose to serve and protect themselves and their family.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

National Day of Resistance Set to Oppose Obama Agenda, Gun Control by Alex Newman

National Day of Resistance Set to Oppose Obama Agenda, Gun Control by Alex Newman

Conservatives, libertarians, Tea Party groups, and liberty-minded citizens are organizing a nationwide “Day of Resistance” on February 23 to oppose President Obama’s radical agenda — especially his “executive order” assaults on the Second Amendment. Organizers say over 50,000 people in more than 30 states have already signed up to participate in an estimated 100 local rallies, with the resistance movement aimed at unifying patriotic Americans from across the political spectrum behind the U.S. Constitution and gun rights.

“On January 16, 2013, President Barack Obama issued 23 executive actions against your 2nd Amendment Constitutional right to bear arms,” explains the “Day of Resistance” website, operated by an organization known as “Stop This Insanity” and by TheTeaParty.net. “He did this without the consent of Congress, which in itself violates the foundation of the Constitution and the co-equal branches of government.”

Due to the lawless assault, organizers say, it is time to get active now. “In response to these unconstitutional actions by the President, on .223, February 23, 2013, the American people will stand together in defiance to protect the right that protects ALL of our rights, the 2nd Amendment!” the Day of Resistance homepage continues, referring to .223 caliber ammunition used in popular weapons being demonized by Obama and his anti-gun rights allies.

According to organizers, the myriad rallies will be organized locally in an effort to bring neighbors together with each other in defense of American principles. The goal of the local organizing, they said, is to unite communities so they can reassert their right to determine their own destiny free from lawless federal dictates that violate the U.S. Constitution and infringe on the unalienable rights of the people.

Some states will have multiple rallies going on in different cities, the official list shows. Alabama, the first state on the list, for example, already has three official rallies scheduled in different cities. Meanwhile, national organizers are still soliciting help from local volunteers to get even more events off the ground in other areas, with the central website offering users easy tools to get involved, organize local action, or just connect with other like-minded citizens nearby.

Among the organizations that are participating in the Day of Resistance are local and state Tea Party groups, Women Warriors, an anti-political corruption group known as Western Representation, and other conservative organizations and grassroots activists. The upcoming rallies, meanwhile, have already started to receive significant attention in the press, with even the far-left U.K. Guardian writing a story about the effort.

"We're actually seeing an entirely new crowd of people who weren't politically active at all," Day of Resistance organizer Dustin Stockton told the controversial British paper, which devoted much of its “article” to demonizing gun owners and weapons. “All of a sudden they hear the debate move to guns. We're seeing a lot of people who are outdoorsmen, who probably didn't vote in the last election, [or] in the last two elections.”

Based on the feedback so far, Stockton said he expects the rallies to be highly significant on the national stage. "From the response that we've been getting we believe this is actually going to be larger than the Tea Party wave in 2009,” he said. “We have this whole new group who are involved, and the Second Amendment is really a unifying issue for a lot of Americans, Republicans, independents and even moderate Democrats."

As mentioned above, one of the groups participating in the Day of Resistance is the conservative-leaning political action committee known as Women Warriors, which recognizes the importance of the right to keep and bear arms — especially for females, who tend to be physically weaker than males and, therefore, more vulnerable to attack. A promotional YouTube video on the rally’s central website features multiple women discussing the Second Amendment and the tens of millions of Americans who refuse to tolerate any further unconstitutional restrictions on the gun rights of law-abiding citizens.

“People who kill will kill with a gun, a car, a knife or anything else they create,” the group’s executive director Tiffiny Rueger told the Guardian, a newspaper that suffered a major blow to its credibility for hyping bogus global-warming hysteria in recent years. “Enacting more bans on guns will not stop bad people — it will leave good people unprotected. If bans on things were successful, there would not be drug users."

The February 23 date for the nationwide rallies was chosen for multiple reasons, according to organizers. Among the most important: the fact that 2/23 brings to mind .223 caliber ammunition, the bullets used in popular semi-automatic firearms like the AR15 that are being targeted by Obama and certain extremist Democrats in Congress. The date is also a Saturday, allowing working people to attend. It is the day that American forces raised the flag at Iwo Jima in 1945, too.

While the Second Amendment and Obama’s lawless “executive orders” are a primary focus of the rallies, those are hardly the only concerns, organizers said. Indeed, the effort is much, much broader than that. Leaders behind the Day of Resistance say they are hoping to help reignite the passion and outrage of 2009 and 2010 that contributed to major conservative and Tea Party victories in national elections, with extremist Democrats and “moderate” Republicans swept out of office — particularly in the House of Representatives — amid a tsunami of disgust with the federal government.

There are also a lot of other serious issues facing America that organizers want addressed — everything from Obama’s takeover of the nation's healthcare system to the seemingly never-ending series of scandals swirling around the administration are in the crosshairs. “We think that gives us an opportunity to talk about how ObamaCare is affecting people’s personal privacy and all the other issues the Tea Party movement has to talk about,” Stockton told Breitbart, a major conservative media outlet. “We’ll talk about over-regulation, bailouts, crony capitalism, Benghazi, Fast and Furious."

For Stockton and countless other Americans, despite a ham-handed cover-up by the administration and its allies in the increasingly discredited establishment press, Operation Fast and Furious is still a big deal that must be properly addressed. The Obama administration scheme, which was first exposed by brave whistle-blowers in the ATF, involved arming certain Mexican drug cartels with heavy American weapons, all paid for with taxpayer money.

Official documents later revealed that the “targets” of the supposedly “botched” operation were already working for the FBI. The resulting violence — hundreds of Mexicans and at least two U.S. law enforcement officers have been murdered with “Fast and Furious” weapons so far — was intended to be used by the administration to demonize the Second Amendment, Justice Department e-mails showed.

In the wake of the explosive revelations, disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder eventually became the first sitting Justice Department chief to be held in criminal contempt of Congress — primarily for his lies and his role in the ongoing cover-up of the scandal. He is currently abusing his position to avoid prosecution. "When the top cop in the country is as crooked as Eric Holder, it really cements our argument that ‘yeah, you really need to not be counting on law enforcement for protection. You need to be taking personal responsibility,’” Stockton explained.

Of course, Stockton and other organizers told reporters that they realize anti-gun rights zealots and their allies in the mainstream media will try to criticize or downplay the effort — if the rallies are covered at all. The establishment press, though, has come under heavy fire for hyping insignificant protests while ignoring or demonizing major efforts to restrain an out-of-control federal government or stop abortion, for example. The public is catching on, too: According to recent polls, the vast majority of Americans no longer trust the major media.

Last month, in the face of a hostile media and government climate, tens of thousands of people rallied at state capitols nationwide in defense of the Second Amendment. At the same time, the public and its elected officials are increasingly stepping up to defend gun rights and defeat Obama’s lawless assault on the constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.

Hundreds of sheriffs in virtually every state, for example, have publicly vowed to protect the rights of their constituents no matter what unconstitutional “laws” or executive edicts come out of Washington, D.C., or the White House. State governments are taking action too, with well over a dozen legislatures and some governors working to nullify federal assaults on gun rights. Even cities and counties are nullifying gun control in their jurisdictions.

Analysts say the establishment’s exploitation of tragedy led by Obama and the increasingly ridiculed press to push for more infringements on the rights of law-abiding Americans has inadvertently awoken a sleeping giant. The Day of Resistance, like the Guns Across America rallies last month and the quickly expanding nullification movement, may be just the beginning of an awakening that will ultimately contribute to restoring lawful, constitutional government in the United States.

With each passing day, activists say more and more Americans are waking up and getting involved. That trend, meanwhile, is expected to continue accelerating fast. Obama, of course, may think he can do whatever he wants, and mountains of evidence suggest that he does. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that the American people and a growing segment of Congress do not plan to accept it without a fight.

Monday, February 4, 2013

MOLON LABE SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER MUST SEE Sandyhook dad you`ll have to take my guns from my cold dead hands

In the last century the governments of the world killed at least 270 million people outside of war . Hey how about a little common sense and some facts about the overwhelmingly vast majority of gun owners. Nation wide over 120 million …. At least 120 million gun owners . With a conservative estimate of at least 300 million guns in the country. Over 3 million AR-15 semi-automatics in circulation alone.

So politicians your living in a fantasy world that inanimate object are the problem. Quit the hysteria , stop the having a hissy fit , get a grip on reality.
God Given rights to self protection guaranteed by the supreme law of the land the constitution as codified by the alive , well and to be defended 2nd amendment { WHICH HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO ABOUT HUNTING OR TARGET SHOOTING } are non-negotiable , not now not ever and will be defended by many real Americans .

Molon Labe

HERE IT COMES Gun control legislation contested by public in LaFayette