Monday, October 31, 2011


" Nothing in all the World is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity " – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963.


" The issue is that I oppose Wall Street !!!

That's the greed & corruption of the money lending class elite and big business.

That's how it is perceived still by most Americans who think.

Ask yourself why is all this vitrol about the protestors instead of the Wall Street Banker crimminals.

I don't support every protestor, obviously, or everything that every protestor might also support or say.

But the idea of opposing the Wall Street Banksters.

Of course I support that.

And that is the underlying message here.

Not the dynamics of who or what is on the ground.

That is the message that we all should be behind rather than spewing vitrol at the people protesting against the corrupt banksters.

Again I don't care what ghost or gobblin scares those thieves on wall street . I just happy they are out there manning the barricades. Listen the more public outcry over wallstreet threatens the evil monopoly that those who control wallstreet have over all of us.

I would not care what wolfman , vampire , zombie or muumy were out there protesting Wallstreet, as long as it calls attention to the devious business practices and corrupt politics of Wallstreet

Don't let the media manipulate you friends !!!

The problem is not the occupy wall street protestors.

The problem is the power elite Matrix of which a critical component is Wall Street Banks and the evil world nexus of economic thievery that it represents.

" OWS's Beef: Wall Street Isn't Winning It's Cheating ... All weekend I was thinking about this "jealousy" question, and I just kept coming back to all the different ways the game is rigged. "Dude," I said. "These people aren't protesting money. They're not protesting banking. They're protesting corruption on Wall Street." ... When you take into consideration all the theft and fraud and market manipulation and other evil stuff Wall Street bankers have been guilty of in the last at least fifteen years, you have to have balls like church bells to trot out a propaganda line that says the protesters are just jealous of their hard-earned money. People aren't jealous and they don't want privileges. They just want a level playing field, and they want Wall Street to give up its cheat codes. " – Rolling Stone/Matt Taibbi

Occupy Wall Street is a revolutionary force sweeping the country, tearing down whatever is unjust and replacing it with fairness.

Deal with it Occupy Wall Street is a populist movement, not a radical one. The elite powers that be are trying their best to position it this way in opposition to the anti-government Tea Party.

This has significant ramifications not only for the movement but for the US economy and for the West in general.

Matt Taibbi's perspective as explained in this post (excerpted above) at provides you with this insight regarding populism, one G. K. Temujin have mentioned numerous times over the years. Taibbi has created an upswell of indignation against Wall Street similar to that which occurred back in the 1930s. By focusing larger issues such as central banking and the forgetting about the mainstream media's [ fox news , cbs , abc , nbc , msnbc and cnn ] fixation with retribution and money envy.

OWS is a diverse movement and one that is becoming increasingly factionalized. Stand together we win seperated we lose !!!

If popular anger is properly controlled and channeled then the impact of the Internet itself and the emergent clarity of its truth-telling can be mitigated, or that is the hope of the elites encouraging such populism. Change can be absorbed and the system can continue on as it is.

The goal in GK Temujin's view is corrupt world governance, an evil 1984 Orwellian system run by a handful of greedy self proclaimed experts also known " as the wisem men " reporting to the great central banking families , their enablers and associates.

The Internet, however, has put world government at risk and likely changed the plans of the Anglosphere elites behind the move. They have begun to be far more aggressive in terms of domestic policing and military activity. What cannot be gained via the elite's endless fear-based promotions is apparently to be won by force.

The elites, of course, will not give up on their control. These tools frighten the sheep of middle class into giving up power and wealth to carefully crafted and manipulated globalist solutions. They are not working nearly as well in the 21st century as they did all thru out the 20th.

You can see first in the Tea Party movement and now in OWS that there is genuine anger out there and skepticism about the current Western promotion of so-called civil society. Europe is suffering from the same sort of conditions, with many of Europe's tribes like the Greeks beginning to rebel against the inefficient and exploitative euro as Temujin previously predicted.

For the world elites, the necessity is to control this growing anger by any means possible. In the US, this means recasting it within the mold of the right-left conflict. This is an old elitist trick and is carried out to ensure that radical sentiments are properly managed.

First, one manipulates a popular movement in a particular direction. Then one sets up a controlled opposition.

The anti-government Tea Party and anti-business Wall Street will be set upon each other by the mainstream media. Angry people will be invited to take sides.

What will occur is inevitably a compromise whereby government shall be made more efficient or seemingly so and business Wall Street shall be increasingly regulated to stop abuses. This is an old an very clever trick !!!

How is it a trick? Because it leaves the modern capitalist system IN EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE as it is now. A massive government (reformed) is supervising a massive (mercantilist) financial industry (also reformed). The net result of the next umpteen weeks, months, years, etc. will be exactly nothing.

Of course, as Temujin pointed out, this old evil trick may be less effective this time around.

People are genuinely angry and the Internet Reformation is rapidly spreading the reality of that frustration. What starts as controlled rebellion can easily spread into something far more unmanageable that gives rise to genuine French , Russian or even American revolution change.

True the goog ol' USA has a massive police force in America that outside of lower Manhattan prosecutes crime and imprisons citizens with record setting, factory level efficiency, eclipsing the incarceration rates of most of history's more notorious police states and communist countries.

But the greedy evil bankers on Wall Street don't live in that heavily policed corrupt country.

There are maybe 1000 SEC agents policing that sector of the economy, plus a handful of FBI agents. There are nearly that many police officers stationed around the polite crowd at Zucotti park. These inequities are what drive the OWS protests.

People don't want handouts. It's not a class uprising and they don't want civil war they want just the opposite. They want everyone to live in the same country, and live by the same rules. It's amazing that some people think that that's asking a lot.

Join the movement friends today. Get involved. Speak out where ever you can. Speak up join this chourus of unrest. Enough is Enough you are slaves , but free men. Continue to try to push for real reforms of the system in another way using your bull horn or write the local newspaper or call the local radio station get your voice heard today.

There will be, eventually, significant unrest in the US, as elsewhere in the world. But if Temujin is correct in his analysis, much of this unrest may escape the control of the elites evidently and obviously behind OWS. This is their attempt at creating controlled social upheaval. The real thing may be yet to come

Change is a coming. Change is in wind !!!




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