Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chris Christie's accomplishments

Chris Christie's accomplishments


I don't get it.

Some of the most notable conservative personalities in America are clamoring for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to jump into the GOP presidential contest as a kind of political savior.

For the life of me, I don't understand it.

Can I ask a simple question that I hope clarifies my total skepticism?

Like it or not, here it is: Exactly what has Chris Christie accomplished in New Jersey as governor that makes him such an ideal candidate for the presidency?

I welcome answers to this question. It is not rhetorical. I especially look forward to hearing from residents of New Jersey – conservatives who want the whole nation transformed the way their state has been transformed under the leadership of Chris Christie.

I don't live in New Jersey, but I was born there. I have family there, and I am a frequent visitor. I am acutely aware of the problems New Jersey faces and how those problems were created and exacerbated by largely one-party rule for decades. And, don't get me wrong, I'm gratified that a Republican came along and won the governorship.

By now, however, Chris Christie should have some kind of a track record of executive leadership that his supporters can point to in extolling his virtues as a presidential candidate. I haven't heard a single one.

Give me one – just one.

I don't see any.

Has New Jersey been transformed under his leadership? Is it now a great place to live and work and start a business? Is it on its way to becoming one? How? Why? What has Chris Christie actually done to make it so?

If you can't point to such accomplishments, and I don't think any conservative can, then what his supporters really like is Chris Christie's rhetoric. They like his ideas. They like his platform. They like what he stands for.

Among other problems with Chris Christie's ideas – and this should be a disqualifier for any Republican officeholder, let along presidential contender – is that he is an enthusiastic, ardent supporter of cap-and-trade, which turns the biggest political hoax of the 21st century, catastrophic, man-made climate change, into a wealth-transfer scheme and regulatory nightmare unlike anything previously known. Christie loves cap-and-trade – and has actually instituted it with other neighboring states in a scheme known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, using some of the proceeds to pay off New Jersey's deficits. He is also using state money to subsidize so-called "green" technology much the way Barack Obama has.His budget included new taxes, new fees, federal stimulus funds and none of the across-the-board tax cuts he promised. His budget is actually 6 percent bigger than his predecessor's, and the budget for the governor's office increased tenfold.

Despite his popular anti-union rhetoric, he has yet to eliminate even one state employee. New Jersey conservatives say his Cabinet is filled with the kind of progressives that would be equally comfortable in a Barack Obama Cabinet. He has refused to join other states in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare, but he accepts federal funds for the implementation of a program in New Jersey that will likely someday be called "Christie-care." He supports amnesty for illegal aliens, supports the construction of the Ground Zero mosque and favors strict gun control

So what is it that I'm supposed to like about this guy?

Why are so many conservative personalities – from Rush Limbaugh to Ann Coulter – drooling over the prospect of a Chris Christie presidential candidacy?

I just don't get it.

Maybe someone can enlighten me – preferably someone from New Jersey whose life has been improved in some way by his governance."

what has Chris Christie accomplished ??? Nothing !!! America DOes NOT NEED him as the next President. America NEEDs a candidate who IS truly conservative. The country needs to stifle the programs that have been started by Obama. The good ol' USA NEEDS someone who stands for small government and will do something about the ballooning size of the Obama administration. THIS NATION DON'T NEED what Christie stands for PERIOD.

He's just the next installment from the Republican elite. First it was Romney, but Bachmann upset that applecart. Then it was Perry; blown out of the water by Cain. They haven't figured out that the Tea Party people don't want the same old song and dance.He's a RINO and anyone who breaks bread (kisses ass) with the power elite will never be supported by the Tea party. So many Americans today still have the mentality of chosing the lesser of the two evils. Both parties are broken. The system is broken and NOBODY at the moment will get us back on track. A POX OPN BOTH PARTIES. People pray that the voters in both Parties would get sound, strong, people to step up and lead and bring us back to what the Constitution says and get rid of those who oppose it. Uphold the rule of law and arrest people in power who break the laws.

Romney Care, Obama Care, what's the difference ??? Chrissy Christie, Chrissy Matthews, what's the difference ??? Twiddle Dee, Twiddle Dum !!! Chris Christie is just another addition to the Rino Party that's the legacy of the failed Bush presidency. When you compromise with Demo Rats, you become a Demo Rat. GOP is good at talking a big game.

Although I want Obama to be retired yesterday and look at Republican alternatives, they are ALL CLOWNS !!!

What would a good conservative governor do ??? Lower taxes, balance the budget, create thousands of jobs, pass torte reform, deregulate, create a business friendly environment, oppose cap and trade, fight back against Washington's intrusion...has Christie done this ???

NO !!

The Powers To Be in the Republican party, the BIG donors, the critical supporters, the "elite" are so afraid of nominating a conservative. All of the phony campaign strategists who think they know best still believe a conservative candidate will allianate the independents. They are in fact so afraid of a conservative candidate they will do everything in their power to elect Mitt. Thier mind set is that the conservatives will vote Republican like sheeple, regardless of which Rino is nominated. Who in their right mind would have chosen McCain ??? The GOP is still in sad shape because they have no true direction. Christie is their perfect candidate because he is so middle of the road. The Tea Party must step up the pressure and not let the elite choose the candidate. America still needs a strong conservative to step out of the shadows and steal the show. It certainly ain't Christie !!!

Read my lips America - WE NEED A TRUE CONSERVATIVE IN 2012. Don't allow the liberal lunatics of the heathen media dictate the GOP nominee.

What is missed is that more and more I am beginning to see that the Republican party is the same party of the rich they have always been. The difference is that today the Dems/Libs are the "me too" party, seeing how much money and media coverage they can get by screwing the middle class and the workers of America so that the top 10% can make more money at everyone's expense.

When was the last time top Union leaders, the ones that are frequent guests in a Dem White House, held the Dems accountable for shipping their jobs overseas, in working conditions that would get a company shut down and their owners arrested had it happened here.

No government subsidy has ever led to a breakthrough in technology, or the reduction in costs, or any substantive improvement of anything. At best, government subsidy has provided a platform by which man was able to reach the moon, as a matter of scientific study, and to go into space for research purposes. It has done nothing by doing so, to improve our lives, nor to improve the production of anything of absolute need in our lives on earth. I'm glad it was done, as it shows what man can accomplish in peace when he chooses, however it is the best example of the only possible outcome of subsidies: perhaps great things undoable any other way, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, but everything requiring a subsidy is by definition, not a step toward a more efficient idea, but only a means of funding something which no one would fund by private choice of their own money. No one who chooses government subsidy believes in true free market economics, because the two are antithetical completely. This Nation was the epitome of freedom, and since it ceased to operate as a true free market, it has only foundered and fallen. America must choose people who accomplish on their own, and completely eschew all who would subsidize anything at all, or all is lost all America ever was & stood for !!!

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