Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The television news of ABC , CBS , NBC and FOX is a joke. Top stories Amanda Knox & Michael Jackson ???

Are they serious ???

Big business and big government go together like a hand and glove. It's hard to know which one's the glove, but basically there's a lot of collusion between the two. Protesting one without the other is kind of silly. Also, if you think a corporation can't or won't steal your money then you are either lacking in imagination or just dumb.

Corporations are perfectly capable of colluding with the government to make you pay more for stuff that you basically can't go without by introducing regulations, etc...

Ultimately it's all about power, power of violence, which backs up the power of money. The government and the big corporations have access to it to an overwhelming extent vis-a-vis atomized zombie citizens. And they are buddies in bed with each other. Big business and thier stooges in big government will use that power to enrich themselves, and if they have to screw the rest of society, they will do that too....


Big government creates big regulations, which favor big business. They favor big business because a multi-billion dollar corporation can have a standing army of accountants and attorneys, and other compliance officers to make sure regulations are followed and taken advantage of. A hundred thousand dollar business can't.

Also big government creates treaties like NAFTA and WTO which favor big business because they can offshore labor, rendering American labor too expensive, becausethe USA has a so called higher standard of living or better known as over priced goods & services.

Finally, when big business drops the ball, big government bails them out lets them continue with their financial CRIMES.

Or have you not been paying attention ???

there is no more to free trade. What most people can not seem to understand is that 1000+ pages of documents ex: NAFTA with "free trade" in the title is not free trade, it is nothing but rules and regulations put in place by big business interests and enforced by the corrupt State.

A good rule of thumb: Anything labeled as "free trade" which is beyond two sentences is most likely anything but free trade.

This country is falling part. The useless president & do nothing congress are wasting time to create jobs and save this economy.

The GOP field of candidates for president is a joke.

Profits and CEO pay goes way up while incomes of the middle class & working people, once stagnant which was bad enough is going down. And it's wrong that guys who sit on their behind earn more for the workers toil than the workers do.

Is there a realistic and actually workable way to fix that ???

Not untitl the stupid sheep of America wake up !!
Not likely !!!

The stupid citzens settle for the government taking more and more of the middle class money.More tax breaks for the wealthy and powerful elites. The money which the Feds collect uses it to destroy liberty.

If oil and tobacco companies, for example, are so greedy and evil, what does that make a government that makes even more money from their products than they do ???

Those who think that decades of corrupt liberals and their inept teacher unions running the education establishment have caused no damage had best re-think their opinions. The ignorant spawn littering the streets of America are the end product of the Dept of Education and its minions, which began their brainwashing and dumbing down of America continues.

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