Thursday, October 28, 2010


Friends , fellow Countrymen , real conservatives , tea party members lend me you eyes….

This coming election is historical { yeah I know they all are } , but this time hopefully enough sheep have been shaken from their slumber to actually get of their lazy behinds and go out to vote. Come on enough is enough. A house divided can not stand. 0bama promised change . Well folks he sure did deliver. America is a huge mess. Economically this is the 2nd great depression . Politicians are so out of touch with middle America it is unbelievable. So many Americans are totally clueless to what the liars , cheats , crooks , scamsters , thieves and corrupt bureaucrats are doing to the country. We need a New Calvin Coolidge. Beware voter fraud. Make a difference vote Tea Party backed Republicans … and then tightly hold their feet to the fire. MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!! Let those smug arrogant ignorant politicians who have run / ruined this country pay at the ballot box. A tidal wave of change is coming the morning of Nov. 3rd . Get out & vote be a part of the change take our country back. Get involved . Spread the word to all you know. America is going off a cliff time to stop that. We can save this country from the EVIL bureaucracy destroying the nation. YOU CAN DO IT !!! GET OUT & VOTE !!! MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!!

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