Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Great Pension Lie by Vasko Kohlmayer

The Great Pension Lie by Vasko Kohlmayer

" Self-reliance is not always be easy, but it can be done. Our ancestors showed us how. They managed to live in functioning civil society with almost no federal involvement. There was no Social Security or government healthcare then. It bears to keep in mind that they lived in a technologically far less advanced age, when life was much harder than it is today. And yet they did not look to the state to take care of their needs. They did what they had to do themselves. "

" That makes the number of workers at all levels of government around 32 million, which is roughly 23 percent of the total U.S. workforce of 140 million. That means almost one out of every four workers depend on the government for their paychecks.

Add to that the number of people now on the public dole. If you exclude those retirees on Social Security, there are some 18 million receiving either SSI or Social Security who are under retirement age. There are 50 million on Medicaid, 40 million on food stamps and 10 million who receive unemployment benefits. There are not that many people left to pull this wagon."

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