Sunday, January 16, 2011

On Guarding the Public’s Right to Ignorance and Meeting With Julian Assange

On Guarding the Public’s Right to Ignorance and Meeting With Julian Assange

" Americans have allowed themselves to become enslaved to the government of dictatorship that is Washington D. C. The ruling elite cannot allow the truth to be told. Look at their reaction when someone has the stones to remind them that we still have a Constitution. Julian has done a service to all of mankind but few would ever admit that fact!

The most disheartening conclusion I draw from this sorry spectacle, is that my fellow citizens do not stand up to their public servants for the deeds that these did in our name, and their audacity to lie to us about their outright criminal behavior. If we do not tolerate our fellow citizens behaving like that, why do we meekly look the other way, when our servants lie to us? If our household help would steal and lie to us the way our governmental employees do, wouldn't we immediately fire and punish them? Until we punish our public servants severely, from President to dogcatcher, when they lie to us, the public, this behavior will continue and proliferate.Have my fellow citizens forgotten that they are the ultimate sovereign and source of power in this country?Isn't it disturbing that our servants are more concerned about the attempted killing of one of them(the Arizona congresswoman) than the actual death of our fellow citizens at the hands of a crazed person?We are way down the road to a totalitarian state, where we are nothing but slaves to our servants. 

 Journalists and politicians share the same conceit: that they see the big picture and thus know what is best for mankind and thus know that mankind is best when carefully controlled by those who see the big picture. So do not expect journalists as a group to care about tyranny. Their sympathies are with the tyrants because they share the tyrants wisdom. Assange, like Mencken, is a rare creature.

It was Thomas Jefferson who said that "I believe that when tyranny comes it will not be through one sweeping law, but piecemeal and in stages." In the past we had dictatorships that banned free speech by law. Now we have the same oppression but hidden. Julian Assange is put in jail on ridiculous charges that no one else in Sweden has ever been prosecuted for. (Two socialist activists accusing him of having sex with a broken condom. If a woman goes out to have breakfast with a man at a restaurant the day after, do you believe a crime has been committed during the night?) The Australian post service shuts down Wikileaks' mailbox. Corporations are contacted and so the Wikileaks web address is shut down, PayPal prevents donations, VISA prevents donations. And so on. OH, but there is still free speech. But your life will be ruined if you try it, and you will never have a career again, and people will be afraid to come close to you. Same as for the members of every anti-immigration party in Europe and the West - but THAT is something you will never hear about in the media. "

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