Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Elite on a Tightrope

Elite on a Tightrope

" The Soros interview is further evidence that the elite is confronting a troublesome period. It is not only the decline of the United States that needs to be managed – but the decline of Europe, the rise of austerity and the level of cooperation that can be extracted from China. Ordinarily, none of this would be discussed by blogs; but in this day and age the Internet is acting as virtual adjunct to the power elite. Conversations that used to take place once a year at Bilderburg are taking place minute-to-minute on the Web. The power elite in our view misjudged the severity of the downturn of the world's economy and also the truth-telling of the Internet and the degree to which it would be used by every-day people once they started losing their jobs and pensions.

We would go further and suggest that it is the arrogance of the elites generally – especially after the triumphs of the 20th century – that led them to this place. They were surely blindsided by the Internet and even now with their maneuvering exposed they forge ahead as if nothing has happened. There are perhaps many reasons for this behavior but one of them surely is that after so many years of ruling the world behind the scenes they cannot fathom that their power is less than unbrookable or that their plans are less than absolute."

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