Tuesday, January 22, 2013

‘Violence’ not the real target of war on guns - Washington Times

‘Violence’ not the real target of war on guns - Washington Times

the common thread all them shootings gun free zones. Want to stop gun violence ??? Don't arm Democrats: Ft Hood Shooter - Registered Democrat. Columbine - both families were progressive liberal Democrats. Virginia Tech Shooter - Registered Democrat - Wrote hate mail to Bush. Connecticut School Shooter - Registered Democrat; Colorado Theater Shooter - progressive liberal Democrat; staff worker for the Obama campaign.

Hey how about a little common sense and some facts about the overwhelmingly vast majority of gun owners. Nation wide over 100 million …. At least 100 million gun owners . With a conservative estimate of at least 300 million guns in the a country of 315 million people one out of three . Over 3 million AR-15 semi-automatics in circulation alone. There for WAY more people are responsible and have access to weapons that they really should have. For those of you that don't know ( or remember) the greatest single mass murder by an individual in New York State was ---------March 25, 1990 Happy Land Disco, The Bronx NY. A jilted boyfriend tries to get into a nightclubs to continue stalking his ex. Thrown out, he finds and empty 1 gallon hydraulic oil container in the street, proceeds to a gas station and fills it with gas and gets a free book of matches. He returns to the building, douses the stairway with gas and torches the place. 87 dead, not a gun in sight. Did they out law gas ???

So politicians your living in a fantasy world that inanimate object are the problem. Quit the hysteria , stop the having a hissy fit , get a grip on reality.

How many people were killed in New York by rifles last year? 5. How many we're killed by hammers? 29. How many were killed by old people driving into buildings? 53. Why are we not outlawing hammers and old people driving? Explain? By Prince Andy’s Imperial court own estimation there are at least 4.75 million firearms and minimum of a million so called “ assault weapons ’’ in New York statewide. Erie county has over 75,000 pistol permit holders and Niagara has at least 27,000 . With a little over a million people living in the two counties, you do the math guns are not the problem. Even in Erie county. That is with the strictest gun control laws in the country. Sorry the guns aint being given up.Over 300 million people murder by governments in the last century out side of war. Those in favor of gun control …Hitler , Stalin , Mao , Pol Pot get ….get the picture ???That The Second Amendment is not outdated .But alive an well over 250 , 000 new members joined the already over 4 million real Americans belonging to the NRA in the last month alone.


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