Monday, January 30, 2012


think the mainstream media, or MSM, and Washington elite think the majority of voters just fell off the turnip truck. But the South Carolina primary election and other current voting trends show otherwise.

The MSM are working double time to get us to forget about the unprecedented results of the South Carolina primary election, but they are a sign of what could be in Florida, Nevada and beyond. They are also proof that American citizens will not be outwitted by the political shenanigans of the powers that be. Let me give you a few examples.

Despite that ABC paraded Newt’s bitter ex-wife across their airways two nights before the South Carolina election, Newt won women’s votes by 36 percent to 30 percent over Romney. And married women and evangelical women both backed Gingrich with 40 percent support. (Women in general backed Newt 38 percent, and men were 42 percent in support of him.)

Despite (or maybe, on account of) Mitt’s Massachusetts creation of Romneycare and promises for Social Security’s perpetuity, Newt gained 47 percent of the vote (to Mitt’s 36 percent) among those ages 65 and older.

Despite the MSM’s attempt to convey Newt as old and outdated, he received 27 percent of votes from among those 18-29 years of age, only being beaten by Ron Paul’s 32 percent.

Despite the MSM’s and Washington elite’s campaign to convey that Newt would be dangerous to the country and world, 39 percent of U.S. veterans voted for Newt, compared to 32 percent for Romney.

Despite that Romney spent millions on ads in South Carolina to persuade voters that Newt was an ethically compromised Washington insider, Newt won 45 percent of GOP electorate votes, while Rick Santorum and Romney trailed with 23 and 20 percent.

Despite the MSM’s pro-Romney coverage and six years of Romney’s campaigning, Newt stole 31 percent of moderates’ votes from the Massachusetts’ moderate.

Despite Romney’s often-flaunted business credentials, eight in 10 voters who said they were very worried about the direction of the economy also voted for Newt by a double-digit lead over Romney. Hence, the New York Times also described Newt as South Carolina’s “preferred candidate for people who said they were … falling behind financially.” That is because Newt has actually helped lead the federal government during two of the greatest economic booming eras in our country’s history.

Despite that 120 evangelical leaders met recently in Texas and claimed to have come to a consensus backing Rick Santorum, the initial vote of those leaders split almost evenly between Newt and Santorum, 48-57 votes, according to CBN News Chief Political Correspondent. I don’t think it’s coincidental that a similar 45 percent of evangelicals also voted for Newt in his landslide South Carolina victory. Forty-five percent of pro-lifers also voted for Newt, compared to just 21 percent for Romney.

Despite the MSM’s and some social conservatives’ onslaught to make Newt out to be a reckless immoral politician, evangelical voters understand that, while not condoning adultery and divorce, they are not fatal but forgivable by God. Evangelical voters understand that family values are redeemable and renewable among contrite souls who have suffered from relational failures.

North Carolina was such a landslide election that the New York Times confessed, “Mr. Gingrich was supported by men and women alike, evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics, those who support the tea party and those who are neutral about it.”

Even in Florida, Newt’s populous popularity is evident by the size of his audiences. Despite that Washington heavyweights like John McCain and Bob Dole have come out to endorse Romney, in a drive that the Boston Globe described as “GOP insiders rise up to cut Gingrich down to size,” the Los Angeles Times reported last week: “Newt Gingrich winning the crowd contest in Florida.”

The Times explained, “The former House speaker drew enormous crowds on Tuesday in the Sunshine State, the final one attracting more than 5,000 people. On the same day, Romney drew about 150 people to a closed speech in Tampa and addressed about 300 people outside a foreclosed house in southwest Florida later in the day.”

And despite that Romney and his cronies have spent, and will spend, millions and millions of more dollars in Florida and Nevada to perforate Newt’s character and record again, which NewsMax explains in Florida alone is 20 times what has been spent there in supporting any other Republican candidate, I am believing that voters will neither be bought by his money nor directed by his political spin and rhetoric, just as those in South Carolina didn’t fall for the fool’s gold.

One final proof came last week via the triple-gang of the MSM, Romney and Washington elites. They all pounced again on Newt, claiming he is not a Reagan conservative. But they were discounted again, as President Reagan’s eldest son, Mike, who has also endorsed Newt, joined radio talk-show legend Rush Limbaugh by lambasting Newt’s critics. Mike said, “I am deeply disturbed that supporters of Mitt Romney are claiming that Newt Gingrich is not a true Reaganite and are even claiming that Newt was a strong critic of my father.” And Limbaugh added, “That kind of stuff is why people hate Romney so much.”

NewsMax also reported, in a 1995 speech at a dinner honoring Ronald Reagan, former first lady Nancy Reagan said: “The dramatic movement of 1995 is an outgrowth of a much earlier crusade that goes back half a century. Barry Goldwater handed the torch to Ronnie, and in turn Ronnie turned that torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive.’”

There’s a reason 34 percent of those who voted for Newt in South Carolina said they “strongly supported” the tea party, dispelling another MSM myth (or is that a wish?) that the tea party’s influence has dwindled. Thirty-one percent of independents also voted for Newt.

To the naysayers of Newt, Theodore Roosevelt has a wise word, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

I think it’s time again that “We the People” showed the media and Washington elite exactly who is in charge.

South Carolinians were not duped by the titans of political swing.

Floridians and Nevada patriots, don’t you let them manipulate and muscle your vote either.

Here are seven other ways to help you stay the course:

1) Please post this article to your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and email it to those you know in Florida and Nevada (the next caucuses)

2) Sign up to be part of the Faith Coalition.

3) Please keep Newt Gingrich and his team in your daily prayers. We believe that he is the leader “for such a time as this,” and they all covet your prayers.

4) Here is the new link to the American Family Association’s online non-partisan voter guide to help you examine the differences between the four remaining GOP candidates.

5) Here is also a link to a conference call made last week between Newt and a few of the highly respected Christian leaders who were also a part of that Texas gathering of evangelical leaders.

6) For other reasons why my wife, Gena, and I are endorsing Newt Gingrich for GOP nominee and president, see my last column, “My endorsement for president.”

7) Mostly, don’t be missing in action at the polls this week! Your vote counts!

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