Saturday, November 5, 2011


It’s called thinking. Try it sometime rather then moving lock step to either end of the political spectrum. Americans are a bunch of stupid SHEEP { sorry sheep } easy to manipulate and subdue.

" Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. "

Approximately one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps. Poverty is rapidly spreading and large numbers of families have lost everything. People want answers, and it is understandable why so many are joining these protest movements.

Just a reminder friends Ranks of the “ Poorest Poor ” Reach New High, and Poverty Spreads to the Suburbs.

Today the AP reports on new census data showing that a record number of Americans 1 in 15 are now counted among the ranks of the “poorest poor,” or those who live on less than $5,570 annually for an individual or $11,157 for a family of four.

Let those numbers sink in for a moment. $5,570 to live on. For a year. In America. And 1 in 15 Americans is doing just that.

America must have higher taxes for the wealthy. They were higher in the 1960s and the economy rocked. Regarding how fair it is look at it like this.

A great part of government spending is defense , war and maintaining an overseas Empire.

What is unfair is someone making $60,000 paying a higher tax rate then someone making a million or even a billion.

The nonsense of “they invest in their business” is truly nonsense. We all know money invested back in a business is a write off and would remain as such. We’re talking taxable income here. The statement of “The rich create jobs in the US” is nonsense too. They created jobs when the US made the things they bought. Back to that old manufacturing again. The middle class buys things too and at one time they made what they bought. There is a self sustaining system that worked.

Remember when industrial labor unions were powerful and manufacturing was everywhere. It’s called “The Good Old Days”.

According to a recent poll, 83 percent of all Americans believe that the economy is in "very poor" shape. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, millions of Americans have lost their homes and tens of millions of Americans have been sickened by what they have seen happen on Wall Street over the last ten years. It is easy to understand why people are frustrated, marching in the streets and anger grows each day.

As the economy continues to get worse, the protests will grow and unfortunately so will the violence. You can preach the benefits of non-violence all day long to some people but they just will not get it. America has reached a turning point, and what you are seeing now is only just the beginning of the madness. In the years ahead you are going to see rioting that is going to be absolutely unprecedented and violent. Heaven help us all if it gets out of hand.

In Oakland, windows were smashed, graffiti was sprayed on buildings and senseless acts of vandalism were committed. There were also quite a few intense confrontations with police and dozens of protesters ended up getting arrested.

Sadly friends America has become a powder keg, and it is going to be very difficult for anyone to control what is going on.

But Oakland was not the only city where protesters were becoming more aggressive.

In Seattle, protesters surrounded a Sheraton hotel where JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon was giving a speech. According to some media reports, some of the protesters were actually planning to make a "citizen's arrest".

Their plans were cancelled, however, when police dispersed them with a shower of pepper spray.

In New York City, a different kind of confrontation took place. Approximately 100 military vets showed up in uniform and marched over to the New York Stock Exchange. Once they arrived, they stopped directly in front of the building which was protected by a line of heavily armed NYPD officers. It was a tense moment, but fortunately there was no violence.

This kind of "stare down" cannot be a sign of good things to come. What would have happened if even a single person had lost their cool ???

While standing in formation in front of the New York Stock Exchange, the vets were heard chanting the following slogans....

"We are veterans! We are the 99 percent!"

"Corporate profits on the rise, soldiers have to bleed and die!"

Things are certainly getting very, very interesting.

The Occupy Wall Street protests started off very peacefully, but sadly there is no guarantee that the violence we are seeing now is not going to escalate even further.

One recent survey found that 69 percent of those involved with the Occupy Wall Street protests "would support violence to advance their agenda".

That is a frightening statistic.

Hopefully everyone will calm down and the protesters will realize that they will get much farther ahead by non-violent means.

But once again, anger and frustration are difficult to predict or control. The more angry and frustrated that the American people get, the more chaotic the streets of our cities are going to become.

While the vast majority of Americans agree that we have major problems, there is tremendous disagreement about what the solutions are. There are some good ideas floating around out there, but there are also some groups that are promoting some very, very stupid , bad and insane ideas.

when Republicans defend the abuses of the big banks and the big corporations they are wrong to do so.

When Democrats defend big government and advocate even more big government as the answer, they are also very wrong.

The truth is that neither side is correct.

The USA needs to dramatically reduce the size of government and needs to dramatically reduce the size and the power of the big corporations.

That would mean a lot more liberty and freedom for not just America but the world, and it would empower individuals and small businesses.

But most people don not understand this. Most people think that they have to either take the side of the big corporations or the side of big government. Most people do not think most people are stupid sheep. Most people do not care.

The cold, hard truth is that most of the time big government and the big corporations are working together, and it is not for your benefit.

Most people feel a sense of powerlessness these days. Most people feel like things never seem to change no matter who they vote for. Once again sad but true.

Truth hurts my friends .

People want things to change, but they don't feel as though they have a way of bringing that change about.

This is not just happening in the United States. As the global economy has faltered, anger and frustration have been growing all over the planet.

In fact, the International Labor Organization is warning that civil unrest could erupt all over the globe if the current economic crisis gets even worse.

But the warning signs are here.

Pressure just keeps building and building and building. The bubble is going to pop.

According to a recent Fox News poll, 76 percent of all Americans are "dissatisfied with how things are going in the country". At the beginning of this year, that number was only at 61 percent.

at some point another major financial crisis is going to erupt and the economy is going to get even worse.

So what will this country look like when that happens ???

The root cause of these problems is that a corrupt government has created rules, regulations, laws and unfunded entitlement programs that have created this situation. They have eroded the education system, taken over the money system, taken over the media, instilled a police state, institutionalized war and overwhelmed society with illegal aliens. That is what a third world country is . The feds are taking you there at the speed of light now.

The American People have some legitimate grievances. Things are quickly spiraling out of control and they are being left out of the conversation.

They knew many opposed the bailout by more than 90% but they did them anyway. They know they are opposed to the Patriot Act and the TSA but you do not see any of that going away.

You are in the first stage of the last superpower financial collapse. This stage began in September 2008.

You are still positioned in the middle of this first stage. The financial collapse may soon end when the US debt rating is cut again , government shutdown follows, US currency is devalued by the US Treasury and the global financial markets all crash in tandem [ LET'S HOPE IT DOES NOT GET THAT FAR ].

That’s when the real shit hits the fan: food riots, looting, arson, widescale economic displacement and unemployment, which leads to death, disease and starvation for those that had depended all this time on a check from the government or their employer to survive, and were caught unprepared !!!

To much vast Wealth of the power elite is treacherous, and the arrogant greedy are never at rest. They open their mouths as wide as the grave, and like death, they are never satisfied.In their greed they have gathered up many nations and swallowed many peoples are destroyed.

“ But soon their captives will taunt them.
They will mock them, saying,
‘What sorrow awaits you thieves!
Now you will get what you deserve!
You’ve become rich by extortion,
but how much longer can this go on?’"

Suddenly, your debtors will take action.
They will turn on you and take all you have,
while you stand trembling and helpless.Because you have plundered many nations;now all the survivors will plunder you.Power elite ou committed murder throughout the countryside and filled the cities , towns and villages with violence.

“What sorrow awaits you who build wealth with money gained dishonestly !

You believe your wealth will buy security,
putting your family’s nest beyond the reach of danger.

But by the murders you committed,
you have shamed your name and forfeited your lives. "

The very stones in the walls cry out against you power elite,
and the beams in the ceilings echo the complaint.

“What sorrow awaits you power elite who build cities with money gained through dishonesty , thievery murder and corruption !!

The Walton empire is not a good example of Capitalism in action and has not been for many years now; it is a good example of Capitalism corrupted by greed.

Henry Ford was a Capitalist; he believed in making money, but also in paying his employees well enough that they could afford to buy the cars they were making. He knew that happy employees are productive employees, and that it is hard to be happy if you can’t afford to make at least a modest living.

The Walton / Walmart / Sam's Club empire has become all about taking in as much wealth as possible and paying out as little as possible, which is a corruption of the Capitalist aim. Those low prices aren’t just generosity, they are the result of buying cheap products (often from China), using strongarm tactics to get suppliers to charge nearly suicidal rates for their products, and paying very low wages to staff who are frequently overworked.

When folks get desperate, they do desperate things.

The world is moving into unprecedented times.

Nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next.

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