Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Read the Constitution, of the few, carefully picked powers given to the federal government, securing the border was among the first among them.

11 million ??? Better call Census and straighten that out. Someone is fibbin'. Try 25 million ... or more. Let's call it what it is, MIGRATION and INVASION .

Uh, no... See, we don't have an "immigration problem", what we DO have is an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT problem, and that's putting it nicely...  
Obama is a lying piece of crap...but, mass deportation of 11 million does that get accomplished realistically you may ask ??? "

Like this the way IKE did it :

Strawberries may go up 50 cents/quart { not likely }

But Your hospital bill goes down $30,000.

How does that balance out again?

"You cannot win a bet on the end of the world. You either lose because you're wrong or you lose because you're right and can't collect."
Karl Denninger  SAYS :

" Heh Mr. President: Bite Me on your Immigration policy

You know, the Marxist-in-Chief is way, way out there with this one:

President Barack Obama said the drive to revamp the nation’s immigration laws has fallen victim to political games and “ugly rhetoric,” and that eliminating an underground economy fueled by illegal immigration will strengthen the U.S. middle class.

Then deport them all. That will strengthen the US middle class.

... it is time to overhaul the law to provide a legal path to residence for some of the 11 million people in the country illegally and revise an “outdated” system for legal immigration.


Here's reality. Those 11 million illegal invaders are consuming both jobs and public resources that 8 million out of work Americans could do. They're also increasing government expenditures which could be cut.

Send every one of them home right now Mr. President.


“Immigration reform is an economic imperative,” Obama said

Sending all the illegal invaders home is an economic imperative.

“It’s for this reason that businesses all across America are demanding that Washington finally meet its responsibility to solve the immigration problem,” he said.

Businesses want $2/day labor. Haven't you noticed all the jobs going to Chinese assembly companies? If you "legalize" these people there will simply be more illegal invaders.

Middle-income Americans will benefit when “there is no longer a massive underground economy that exploits a cheap source of labor while depressing wages for everyone else,” he said.


Opponents who argue that the border needs to be made more secure before they can support an overhaul are playing politics with the issue and will “never be satisfied,” Obama said.

“Maybe they’ll say we need a moat,” he said. “Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat.”

I'll be satisfied with alligators, although it's probably cheaper to take some of our National Guard and give them a magazine full of ammunition.

Illegal invaders are just that INVADERS !!!

Would you have arrested invading Japanese on our shores during WWII? Or would you have handed out magazines and rifles? Oh wait, we got this one - our own BATF hands out the rifles and magazines - to the Mexican thugs!

Mexican President Felipe Calderon said immigration is a “crucial issue” for U.S. relations with Mexico and for the economies of both countries. Mexico’s abundance of labor complements the U.S.’s capital-intensive economy, he said.

Oh, and it's legal for Americans to decide to cross "at will" and stay in Mexico, buy land and generally live there without immigrating through proper procedures, right?

Wait... you mean people get thrown in jail for doing that in Mexico?

Well golly gee, what a double-standard we have.

To Calderon and Obama:


Any immigration reform MUST to include deportation.

Any "solution" that rewards those who have violated the laws at the expense of those who don't is unethical on its face and just invites further violations and will have deleterious consequences for the country as a whole. Our banking/mortgage/financial/credit/debt situation provides a great real-world example.

"President Barack Obama said the drive to revamp the nation’s immigration laws has fallen victim to political games and “ugly rhetoric,”

You outta know Obama,because that is exactly what you are engaged in right now to grab at the hispanic vote,you sir are an exploiter not unlike the illegal alien employer's.

If one watches the news and the polotician's for most part all you hear is this comprehensive reform or secure the border,fact is Nappy { what a piece of shit she is } from Arizona appointed to head Homeland Security should of stopped anyone in their tracks thinking that this admin was seriuos about border security.

She while gov in AZ fought,kicked,lied with any and all immigration related laws that could of helped the people of AZ,it wasnt until the voters forced her to do something she signed a bill.

The People want enforcement period.

59% Favor Cutoff of Federal Funds to Sanctuary Cities

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's pretty painfully obvious by now that this idiot wants America Divided. His opponents on every single issue aren't just wrong. He doesn't just disagree with their premise. He bypasses any sort of argument and just flings ad hominem, casting anyone who would take offense as an immoral kook.

He's poking a bear with a stick and getting more aggressive, because the people he's pissing off can take a fair amount of abuse so the bills get paid and mouths get fed. He's purposefully trying to incite violent reactions by mocking and waging a very personal war against his opponents. At a time when this country is at its weakest Obama is obviously doing everything in his considerable power to break it.

For our own good of course, so we can be remade in his image. Global citizens and all that.

A) Deport EVERY illegal alien that law enforcement has ANY interaction with (US born kids or not makes no difference).

B) Fine and JAIL employers that knowingly hire an illegal.

C) Do not provide ANY "entitlements" to illegal aliens. In short... you're here ILLEGALLY, so you're not "Entitled" to ****.

D) Deny any Fed funds for any "sanctuary cities" or any state that refuses to enforce immigration laws. Start jailing city managers, mayors, etc... that support illegal immigrants in any fashion.

E) Fingerprint and ID every illegal deported and put them on a blacklist. Call it a "No immigrate list", I don't care... just make it infinitely clear that if you are here illegally, then you need to get the hell out and take your turn waiting in line. If you don't, then when you get caught you are forbidden from EVER entering legally. And, make it a felony with mandatory years (3-5) in prison if you come in illegally again.

Do this, and I bet at least half would be gone by Christmas,

Deport 10 invaders/day (per state) and he illegal immigrants will go away--


if each of the 50 states deported

10 invaders each day

that would = 500/day

& would = 15,000/month,

and = 180,000/year

NOT HARD TO DO,  America would choose to act.

When the invaders  these 10 deportations/day

in each state,

they would self-deport,

as they started doing

in Arizona,

immediately after that state

passed SB 1070,

even though the law

has not really been enforced

due to legal actions against it.


and they'll go away... "


2011-05-10 23:08:31

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