Saturday, February 26, 2011

If Arabs can revolt, then why can't we?

If Arabs can revolt, then why can't we?

Whether one favors Obamacare or not, and believes it to be constitutional or not, these rulings by federal judges – who like to boast and pretend that they steadfastly obey the "rule of law" and hold themselves out as holier than thou – were obviously motivated by politics. And, this is no wonder, as I have written about in "Whores." Federal judges, rather than being elected by the people, are nominated by the president on the basis of their political allegiances – otherwise known as patronage. They generally arrive on the bench because of the favors and political campaign contributions either they or their benefactors, like the large law firms, corporations or labor unions who support them have lavished on the president and his party. Our legal system is thus infested – from the top down – with "political hacks," "yes men" and "whores." These are the people who decide upon our legal rights and hold our lives in their dirty little corrupt hands.
But this rank corruption is not just present in our judicial system. Look at the state legislators in Wisconsin and Indiana this week who chose to flee their states, rather than obey the rule of law to be present when urgent budget-cutting labor legislation was to be voted upon by their legislatures. While this time Democratic politicians, Republicans in the past have used similar illegal stunts to thwart the will of We the People.

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